Chapter 11

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"We have to go." Calum says immediately.

"Go where? We can't do anything." Luke says and we all look at him.

"We could go talk to him. I don't know." Calum mutters. I sigh and look down at the hospital bed sheets. I could see he felt useless, we all did. I did.

But I knew there was nothing we could do, we just had to let the police do their job.

So I just nodded. "Maybe you should go then. Maybe you could talk to him? Ask him things, help the police in any way."

"Yeah." He mumbled and Michael looked at me, he knew.

"I'll go too, you and Luke stay here and call us if anything changes." He mutters.

"Vice versa." Luke says.

They both give us a kiss goodbye then head out. Once the door closes Luke turns to me. "Why did you let them go? You know they can't do anything there but sit and wait just like they were doing here."

"Because Calum needed it. If it makes him feel like he can do something then why not let him?" Luke nods and then it's silent again. I can feel Luke's eyes on me but I don't look up.

I hold Josh's unmoving hand and rub small circles into it with my thumb. It comforts me, I don't even know if he can feel it. I'm sorry.

"Do-do you think he'll wake up? I mean, he'll be okay, right?" I ask and finally look up.

Luke gets up to sit next to me and rubs my back gently. "Yeah I think he's going to be just fine. And I'm sure he's grateful that your sticking by his side. Maybe when he wakes up we can all go out to celebrate or something." I can't help but think if.

I nod my head and Luke just continues to hold me while resting his head on my shoulder.

It was silent after that for hours. No one spoke and I'm pretty sure Luke fell asleep. I tried to close my eyes and maybe get some much needed sleep myself but the sun was in my eyes.

I sighed and gave up. It seems I've been doing that a lot lately.

I carefully got up, resting Luke head on the bed so I could get up and close the blinds.

But because it's my life, as I went to close them, I made eye contact with a man walking into the hospital. I was frozen from fear as the man waved with a smirk and continued on his way.


I closed the window, running over to Luke and shaking him awake. He grumbled but shot up when he saw my frantic state.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked and I shrieked as there was a knock at the door.

"We have another visitor." The nurse said kindly as she opened the door but I shook my head.

"No! Don't let him in!" I yelled. She looked at me funny and shook her head.

"It's his brother." She says mater of factly and points to Josh. She looks at my face and slowly closes the door. "I'll give you a few more minutes."

"Ashton calm down, it's okay." Luke says and puts a hand on my shoulder. I was trembling.

"He-he doesn't have a brother Luke."I say, my voice trembling. He gives me a confused look. "We have to go, we have to call the police." I say frantically and look around for my phone.

"Ashton it's okay, calm down." Luke try's again.

"No! He doesn't have a brother." I cry.

"Well maybe he didn't tell you."

"No! Where's my damn phone!" I yell.

"Then who-" he starts but I cut him off.

"It's Dylan." I whisper and then the door swings open again.

Double update if this chapter gets to 30 votes.

Stay lovely🌹


|Trouble Maker|✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora