Chapter 25

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"That's the third outfit you've tried on," I said to Eren, who was standing in front of the full length mirror beside his desk as he buttoned up his dark-blue twill shirt.

He eyeballed my reflection through narrowed eyes. "This is your mother we're talking about. The woman who gave birth to you. I need to look...respectable. I can't go over there for dinner looking like some washed up delinquent."

"Babe, you're twenty-six years old. I don't think it's possible for you to look like a delinquent."

"What are you trying to say?" He turned around to face me while he still fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. "That I'm old? That I look old?"

I pressed my lips together in an attempt to stop the laughter that was bubbling up in my chest. The longer I stared at his face, the harder it was to keep it in. He looked so offended, like I'd just told him he was the ugliest creature to ever walk the earth. When his eyes darted down to take in the hint of a smile on my face, his mouth dropped opened, and that's what caused the dam to burst. I erupted in a fit of laughter. I muffled the worst of it against his pillow, but I could tell by his audible snort that he could hear me just fine. He smacked my ass.

"You find this funny?" he asked while he crawled over me. He grabbed my wrists and pressed them into the bed on either side of my head as he straddled my waist. "I'm on the verge of calling Armin over here to dress me up, and you're sitting here laughing?"

"I... can't help it. Your...face!" I dissolved into another round of giggles.

"Now my face is funny?" He leaned down and captured my bottom lip between his teeth, which cut off my laughter in record time. "Still funny?" he asked in a low voice, but before I could respond to the question, he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I leaned my head up to deepen the kiss, aching for it, but he pulled back seconds later. I pouted. "A little while ago you thought my face looked funny, and now you want me to kiss you?"

I wiggled my hand free to snake my arm around his back. I pinched his ass cheek. "Oh, hush up. You know I think you're hot."

"Do you now?"

"Mhm. I could eat you up. As a matter of fact..." I trailed off as I reached for the waistband of his jeans, but he trapped my hand in his before I could snag the button. I looked up at him, frowning.

"Don't look at me like that. We need to be at your mom's house in a half hour," he explained. "I don't want to be late. Not to mention the fact that I always get carried away with you, and the last thing I need when I meet your mom for the first time is for you to be walking around like a baby llama. That would definitely be an ice breaker. 'Hello, Ms. Ackerman. I know your son is walking a little funny, but I have a great explanation for that. I fucked him so hard that he has no other choice than to walk like an infant for the next several hours. Please forgive me. It won't happen again.' Which would be a lie."

I rolled my eyes. "All right. I get it. No need to exaggerate." I grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged him down toward me, smiling when he gasped. "You do look really sexy in that shirt, though."

"Don't go there," Eren groaned. "It's hard resisting you, as it is."

"I bet it's very hard." I lifted my knee and rubbed it against his growing erection.

"You're cruel."

Sitting up, I said, "I know, but if you want to be on time, then we better get going. It'll take us around fifteen minutes to get there."

That got him off me in a hurry. He scanned himself once more in the full length mirror, adjusted the collar of his shirt, and then rushed downstairs. I followed him at a more convenient pace. I wasn't too worried about arriving a few minutes late to my mother's house. She had sprung these dinner plans on us at the last second. We could afford to be a little lax.

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