Chapter 13

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So there were a few of you on here that asked me to continue this work here on Wattpad, and that's just what I'm going to do, but if you're ever interested in checking out more of my fics, my username on is the same as this one. I'm now working on an omegaverse on that site. Also, if you ever want to chat, I'm levi.eren_ on Instagram and warriorflesh on Tumblr.  :)


It was late afternoon when I left Isabel's apartment, the sun sinking into the eastern horizon in an orange glow. As I drove home, emotions I'd never felt before flooded through me at an alarming rate. I couldn't think about the things Eren put himself through in order to provide for Izzy while their mother lay useless in her bed. I didn't want to imagine him getting beaten over and over again, not lifting a hand to defend himself against his opponent. Whenever he fought someone now, he never lost. He won every single match he was a part of, and if ever he was hurt during one, he thought nothing of the bruises or gashes that discolored his face. It all made sense now. He'd been hurt so many times that physical wounds meant nothing to him. He endured them because they were nothing in comparison to the emotional ones that refused to scar over.

He didn't deserve all the things that had happened to him, and neither did Isabel. She had been so young when she was forced to become an adult, worrying about things that most people her age knew nothing about. But why was she allowing her guilt to tear both her and her brother apart? Why couldn't she see that keeping him at a distance wasn't going to solve a thing? If anything, it was creating more problems. It was going to take a lot for her to repair the damage that she had caused throughout the years, but I was going to be behind her every step of the way, because Eren needed his sister back, and she needed him.

It wasn't until my cell phone rang in my pocket that I realized I was driving ten miles over the speed limit. I slowed down, checked my rearview mirror to see if a cop was tailing me (there were none, to my immense relief), and then dug the phone out. Putting it on speakerphone, I sat it on my lap and said, "Hello?"

"Hey, Levi, it's Mikasa. I'm calling because I have a huge favor to ask of you."

"Okay, shoot."

"Do you think you can pick up some pizzas and beverages for the big meeting tonight? I thought I was going to have enough time to get everything myself, but I got caught up in some other crap."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll be happy to do it."

"Thank you. Just put it all on the card I gave you for work purposes. Four large pepperoni pizzas should do, and a few liters of soda. Oh, and a small vegan pizza on top of that."

I smiled. "You don't have to get that for me. I'll be fine."

"I don't mind getting that for you, so don't try to talk me out of it."

"Okay," I said. "I'll see you tonight then."

"See you."

I ended the call and drove to one of my favorite pizza spots, glad for the task. It would help take my mind off things and that's exactly what I needed right now. Otherwise I'd picture Eren, bloody and bruised, awaiting the next punch to land. How many times had he let someone beat him? Did they goad him on while they were doing it? Did they kick him when he was down? Of course they did, because they were sick enough to pay him to roll on his side and do nothing while they clobbered him.

Oh, Eren...

Even if he received money for his troubles, I had no doubt that it had broken his spirit to endure something like that on several different occasions. How could it not? I couldn't even imagine how desperate one would have to be to allow someone to pummel you. Still, in spite of everything, he never ran. As sad as it is, he could've left Isabel to fend for herself. She wasn't his responsibility. No one would have stopped him if he left and never looked back. But he hadn't. He sacrificed his well being to take care of her, and how had she repaid him? By cutting him out of her life. I knew she felt guilty for what Raúl and his friends did, but to go that far seemed unnecessary. Was there something she wasn't telling me?

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