Chapter 11

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The instant the cage was back on solid ground, Eren threw open the metal door with enough force to cause the hinges to creak in protest. He paused, grabbed my hand, and then both of us were out on the stage. He didn't so much as spare a glance in anyone's direction, just moved to the end of the stage before hopping down into the crowd that surrounded him in seconds. I thought he would have a hard time getting the people around him to cooperate, but with one threatening shout, they moved back and gave him room. When they were at a distance he was satisfied with, he turned around and held his arms out to me in an invitation I could neither ignore or deny. I crouched, aware that anyone behind me was getting an eyeful of my backside, and let him carry me down.

As he set me on my feet, people closed in, bringing with them the pungent smell of sweat and cologne. Eren took my hand once again and interlaced our fingers. I stuck to his side as he led me across the dance floor, toward the dressing rooms that would provide us with the privacy we so desperately wanted. We were almost to the door when something broke out to the right of us. Two men were at each other's throats, ready to fight. Thomas was there, pushing his way through to them, but I knew that he would need help and Eren was still on the clock.

"Go," I told him.

"Unless you want those two guys as dead as dead can be, I suggest—"

"Eren!" Thomas shouted, waving him over.

"Fuck," Eren muttered. One second I was standing beside him, the next I was in front of him, his left arm wrapped around my lower back. With his free hand, he took hold of my chin and tilted my head back. He held my gaze as he said, "I'm not finished with you. Go wait for me in the dressing room. I'll be there once I'm done taking care of these idiots."

Have mercy on my soul. He was too hot to be real. "O-okay."

With me safely deposited in the corridor, Eren left to go help Thomas. I took a moment to catch my breath, to let everything that had just happened sink in, and then I walked to the dressing room that could've been mine. The door was locked. I jiggled the knob, but it was futile. I was either going to have to stand out here until Eren came back, or see if Armin's room was unlocked. I voted for the latter. Being alone in the corridor with the too bright fluorescent lights shining down on me was a bit creepy, so I was relieved when I tried his door and the knob turned beneath my hand. I stepped into the room and saw that the clothes I'd been wearing when I came into work were still strewn over the red leather couch. It would be pointless to put them back on now. It was only a matter of time until Eren was here.

Shutting the door behind me, I walked to the floor mirror. I couldn't contain the groan that escaped me when I saw my reflection. Had I really gone out in public looking like this? I would never be able to live it down. I looked ridiculous.

I was in the middle of taking off the tattered button down when the door flew open behind me. I was so surprised by this that I leaped back, my lower back slamming into the vanity table hard enough to knock down several plastic bottles that tumbled to the floor.

"Shit. I'm sorry," Eren said, coming up to me. He was no longer wearing the cowboy hat. "Are you okay?"

"How...? You were gone for five minutes, if that."

"I knocked one of the guys out. It was easier that way." He rubbed my lower back, dulling the ache from the hit.

"Are you allowed to knock customers out?"

He smirked. "Technically, no. Mikasa will be mad at me for that one, but I had to get back to you."

Here he was, standing right in front of me, and I had no idea where to go from here. I wasn't any good at this and he was going to realize that soon enough. Whenever I did anything in the past with my exes, which was rare at best, I was always so awkward that they gave up more than half the time. What if Eren gave up? What would I do then?

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