Chapter 6

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I stood behind Eren as he rummaged through his locker for an extra work shirt that he swore was there the last time he checked. According to him, if Isabel showed up while he was topless, she'd drag me out of the club faster than I could explain things to her. I didn't doubt that for a second. Especially since I was the one wearing his shirt. Right now she was looking for any excuse she could find in order to get me out of here. Not that I would let her. I was an adult and I could make my own decisions. At least that's what I kept telling myself on repeat. Otherwise I'd cave in the second I saw her.

"Here it is," Eren said, pulling out a shirt that resembled the one I was wearing, except this one was white. He kicked the door shut as he slid his arms through the sleeves. The material clung to his chest before he pulled it down over his stomach, my eyes following its path until his skin was hidden beneath it. He cleared his throat and I looked up to see him flaunting a knowing smile. When I said nothing, he leaned up against his locker as though he were expecting something from me.

I needed to stop being so obvious.

"Izzy is probably here by now," I mumbled, toying with my glasses to avoid making eye contact. My heart was thumping hard against my ribs, my body growing alarmingly hot, because I realized that we were very much alone in this small locker room. I could feel his presence all around me, strong and palpable, and I wanted nothing more than to close the distance between us. "We should head to the front."

Eren rested his head against the locker beside him, the smile leaving his face. He stared at me for a long moment, those incredible eyes drinking me in and taking away my ability to think. All I could do was stare back, even when I knew that the longer I did, the harder it would be to resist him. But I didn't even want to resist. I wanted to give in to this feeling burning through my veins. If I did, I'd be able to taste him, sink my teeth in, and mark every part of him until he couldn't remember how it felt to be without me—until I couldn't remember how it felt to be without him.

"You really do drive me crazy," Eren spoke at last as he pushed off the locker to make his way over to me. He stopped a couple feet from where I stood and pinched a lock of my hair between his thumb and forefinger. "I'm not a good person."

Here it was: The warning that I'd been dreading. The one I was sure he wouldn't give me. "Why are you telling me this?" Why now? When I was beyond ready to give in?

"Because I'm the wolf and you're the rabbit." He lowered his mouth to my ear, his voice low and deep as he continued, "I'll give you this one chance to escape."

I swallowed. "A-and if I don't take it?"

"Then I'll catch you, and when I do, you're mine."

I shuddered, his words making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Everything told me to heed to his warning, because from the moment I saw him at that diner, I knew he was trouble. He was a flame that exuded danger, while I was nothing more than a spectator who was entranced by the endless possibilities the unknown had to offer. Yet the closer I got to him, the more I realized that I had already caught on fire. Now it was just a matter of time until I was consumed in flames.

"I think you already caught me," I said, just as the door to the right of us swung open to reveal both Isabel and Farlan. It shouldn't have surprised me that she brought someone along with her, but it did. That was probably because Eren and I were standing awfully close, our bodies almost touching. It took everything in me not to leap backwards, but even as I stood my ground, my face became a hot mess faster than the speed of light.

Isabel's eyes narrowed right before they flicked in Eren's direction. "We need to talk. Now."

"Anything for you, sis," Eren said in a sarcastic tone. He pointed behind her. "You remember where Mikasa's office is, don't you? We'll talk there."

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