Chapter 23

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The Jell-O shots I'd eaten were starting to take effect as Eren led me out onto the dance floor. I leaned into him with a grin on my face, searching for a kiss, but somehow I managed to lose my footing before our lips could meet. I would have stumbled to the side if he hadn't put his hands on my shoulders to steady me. Still, thanks to the high heel boots I was wearing, it took a moment too long to regain my balance. They increased my clumsiness tenfold. Something that didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Feeling tipsy?" he asked in a voice that was far too seductive, guiding me down onto the chair to make sure I didn't topple over. I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and drag him down with me, but I was still tied in the elaborate bondage Armin whipped up with nothing more than a few feet of rope. He must've foreseen this happening. I was a clingy drunk, and if my hands were free to do as they pleased right now, they definitely wouldn't be resting in my lap. They would be roaming over the soft ridges of Eren's abs, mapping out the sharp curves of his hips.

"Just a smidge," I admitted, outright ogling his torso.

"Still want a lap dance from yours truly?" The way he smiled after asking that question told me he knew I still wanted a lap dance from him. He was being a tease and I didn't mind whatsoever. How could I when he smiled at me that way?

"I wouldn't pass up a lap dance from you even if I were on the brink of death."

He laughed. "You would pass it up, if you knew how awful I danced."

"Not even then," I told him, tilting my head back at an angle that gave me a perfect view of his face. "Now go and put on a show for me."

"Yes, sir. Anything else I can do for you?"

"Kiss me before you go."

"So demanding," he said as he bent down to appease me. "Not that I mind." He pressed his lips to mine, giving me a quick kiss that did not meet my expectations. I must've made a face, because he was quick to add, "Don't give me that look. I'm about to embarrass myself in front of everyone for you. Unless you'd prefer a kiss over a dance, then I'll be more than happy to call this whole thing off."

I shook my head. "Nope. I'll behave myself."

"That's what I thought."

Armin clapped several times to nab our attention from where he stood on the stage. He waggled his fingers at Eren. "I'm putting the music on soon, so get ready to shake your ass."

"Here we go." Eren kissed me one more time before he leaned back and slipped out of his ruined shirt. He tossed it to the side without looking at where it landed. Since I didn't have the use of my hands to clap, I whistled, admiring his back muscles as he raised his arms above his head. The jeans he was wearing were snug in all the perfect places. It held my attention nicely. Not that he needed tight clothing for me to notice him. He could dance in a pair of sweats and my gaze would be glued on him from start to finish.

I couldn't wait to see what he could do. Even if he claimed that he sucked at dancing, someone who was taught by Armin couldn't possibly be that bad. He wouldn't allow it. He was a strict teacher that didn't settle for mediocre. I could say that from personal experience and countless training sessions that left my thighs quaking until I was on the verge of falling over. So I had a feeling that Eren wasn't as bad as he led me to believe. But even if it turned out that he was born with two left feet, I wouldn't care. This was just for fun.

When the lights dimmed to a sensual blue, both Izzy and Mikasa started catcalling to Eren, who turned his head just to roll his eyes at them. They raised their voices in response, whistling and shouting loud enough to be heard around the dance floor. They were determined to egg him on, but he wasn't taking the bait.

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