Chapter Nineteen

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Stephen had decided that it would be best for Rachael to be taught the way the Ancient One had started teaching him: basic training. This allowed Stephen to show Rachael what to do, but she didn't get to try it until he said so. There was also a lot of theory and discipline that went into it. Rachael had lost control before because she wasn't disciplined enough. It was going very well. Rachael's movements were more fluid when he would let her try spells herself. Her patience was beginning to grow thin, though.

"We've been practicing for ages. I must be ready by now," she muttered one day. "Stephen, when do I get my test?"

"Patience, Rachael," Stephen said. "What are the most important rules I've told you?"

"No spells until you say, no going to other dimensions, and no battling demons until you think I'm ready," Rachael recited.

"Good," Stephen said. "You'll get your test soon enough. Now, take those books we were looking at back to the library and take a short break. Be back here in one hour for more training."

"Okay," Rachael said. She kissed Stephen on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Stephen said. "Away with you, now."

Rachael giggled before taking the books and walking away. She went into the library and put the books back in their respective places. As she was putting the last one back, the door to the library creaked open. Rachael turned around and saw Mordo coming in.

"Hello, Mordo," she said calmly.

"Rachael," Mordo nodded back politely. Rachael raised her eyebrows. She'd expected Mordo to snap at her to be quiet or something.

"Did you need anything?" Rachael asked.

"I just wanted to speak with you," Mordo said.

Rachael looked around the room to see if Mordo was actually talking to her or if he was talking to someone else. She pointed to herself. "Me?"

"Yes, you," Mordo said. "I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot and I wanted to apologize."

"Well, uh, thank you," Rachael said. "Did Wong and Stephen put you up to this?"

Mordo chuckled. "No, not at all. This is just me righting my wrongs."

"Apology accepted," Rachael said. "I hope that we can get along better in the future."

"My thoughts exactly," Mordo said. "So, how is your training going?"

"Good, I think," Rachael said. "I'm almost ready to become the Sorceress Supreme."

Mordo laughed again. "I don't think so. You haven't proved yourself yet."

"Alright, if this is you being a jerk again-"

"No, no, I'm trying to help you," Mordo said. "You haven't passed the final test. And I don't mean your redo of your first test."

"What test?" Rachael asked. "Tell me. What test?"

"Demons from another dimension," Mordo said.

"What?" Rachael breathed.

"Yes. Any one of us here can get a few demons to the corner of a room," Mordo explained. "If you want to be the best, you have to go to another dimension and bring some back. And not the type of demons that you were tested on, no, you've got to bring something really powerful back and then defeat it."

"Yeah, you're lying to me," Rachael said. "Stephen told me to never go to another dimension or battle any demons until he thinks that I'm ready. Sorry, Mordo, but I think I'm going to trust the man who I've known for twenty-four years over someone who hates me."

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