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A ten year-old boy sat on the bench of a playground and watched from afar as his classmates played all sorts of sports. He wasn't the active type. He preferred to sit here on the bench and read his book on brain surgery. He wanted to be a neurosurgeon when he grew up. He was just getting absorbed again when he felt like someone was watching him. He looked up to see a little girl with brown hair smiling at him.  

"Yes, can I help you?" the boy asked.

"What are you reading?" the girl asked, pointing to the book. 

"It's a book on brain surgery," the boy said. "I want to be a doctor when I grow up."

"Cool," the girl said. "I want to be an actress."

"That's...nice," the boy said. He didn't really know how to talk to little kids.

"I'm Rachael Barrow," the girl said. "What's your name?"

"Stephen Strange," the boy said.

"Strange?" Rachael tilted her head. "So, if you wanted to be a doctor would that make you Doctor Strangelove?" 

"What? No!" Stephen said. His family always called him that, and it was annoying. "Don't call me that. How old are you?"

"Six," Rachael held up six fingers. "How old are you?"

"I'm ten. Almost eleven," Stephen said. "Do you have anything better to do than bug- I mean, talk to me?"

"Not really," Rachael said, hopping up on the bench next to Stephen. 

"Well, don't you have any friends who you can play with?" Stephen asked. He really just wanted to read his book. 

"They're all playing kickball and I hate kickball," Rachael muttered. Stephen felt a pang of empathy go through him. He knew how that felt. 

"I hate to admit it, but I know how you feel," he said. "I don't like kickball either."

"That's why I came over by you," Rachael said. "You looked like you were lonely and needed a friend."

A chorus of Awww's echoed in Stephen's head and he turned away, smiling. "Thank you, Rachael. That's very sweet."

"So, can I be your friend?" Rachael asked. Stephen let out a sigh. 

"Yes, you can," he said. 

"Good," Rachael said. "Now, if we're going to be friends you have to let me call you Doctor Strangelove every once in awhile."

"Fine," Stephen rolled his eyes. "Only if you let me read my book in peace sometimes."

"Deal," Rachael held out her hand. Stephen took it and shook it.


Sorry that this is really short, but it's a friggen prologue. You don't see many prologues that are long. The first few chapters of this are just gonna be Stephen (my precious baby) and Rachael as friends and getting successful. I'm getting this fanfiction started now so I don't jump on the bandwagon when the movie comes out. Just so everyone is aware, no I haven't read a Doctor Strange comic, but I'm getting one this weekend. So yay for that. 

EDIT (October 23, 2016): To clarify, this was first published in August of 2016, about four months before the movie was released. There are going to be MAJOR mistakes with this and the movie. Once the movie is out, I may (keyword, MAY) go back and fix minor and major details that would be easy for me to integrate in without changing the whole story (for example, I can change Stephen going to a gala to him going to a speaking engagement the night of his crash extremely easily). PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME ANY CRAP IF I DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING OR YOU NOTICE THE MAJOR MISTAKES. THANK YOU.

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