Chapter Ten

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Stephen's eyes opened. When he tried to stretch, he felt something wrapped around him. He looked down and saw that at some point in the night, he and Rachael had both turned so they were facing each other and wrapped their arms around one another. If this had happened in any other situation, Stephen would have scrambled away from her. But right now, Stephen had to smile. He'd missed Rachael so much in the past year and now that she was here with him again...he could hardly believe it. Stephen gave Rachael a quick kiss on the head.

I'll never leave you again, he promised silently. Well...except for right now.

Stephen got up carefully, trying not to wake up Rachael. He changed out of his pajamas and into his training clothes. He slipped the Eye of Agamotto on before doing some stretches to loosen up his muscles. His joints popped as he did them, making Stephen sigh in relief. As he was about to leave, he heard shifting in his bed. He turned around and saw Rachael sitting up. Guilt shot through Stephen when he realized that he had probably woken her up.

"Mm, Stephen?" she murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"Sh, sh, sh," Stephen said, pushing her back down and tucking her in. "I have to go train. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't leave..." Rachael whined. 

"I've got to," Stephen said. "I'll be back in an hour or so to check on you."

"I'm hungry and thirsty," Rachael complained.

"I'll ask for someone to bring you breakfast," Stephen said. "I know you're trying to get me to stay, so stop it. It isn't going to work." 

"If you want to leave me again, fine," Rachael pouted, rolling back over. Stephen shook his head and chuckled before sitting down next to her.

"Okay, I'll cut the time down," he said. "I'll come check on you in forty-five minutes. How's that?"

"Better," Rachael nodded slowly. 

"Okay," Stephen said. "I've got to go now. I'll be back soon."

Rachael rolled back over and hugged Stephen. He hugged her back for a few moments before letting go. He gave her one last smile and left the room. Stephen hesitated before sealing the door with a spell that assured only he and Rachael could get in and out. He would lift it when someone brought her food. As he was leaving the room, he passed Wong. Wong was an Asian man who Stephen had grown close to in the past year. Stephen stopped him.

"Wong, do you think it would be possible for someone to bring Rachael some breakfast?" he asked. 

"Why can't she get it herself?" Wong asked.

"She's very tired," Stephen said. 

"Very well, Stephen," Wong said. "But just this once. If she's hungry tomorrow, you'll have to get it for her or she'll have to get it herself." 

"Thank you," Stephen said. Wong nodded to him. As he left, Stephen lifted the shield over his room. He hoped Rachael would be polite when Wong came to deliver her food.


Later in the day, Stephen came to check on Rachael. He knocked on the door as quietly as he could before hearing a soft, "Come in." He opened the door to reveal Rachael sitting up in bed and eating breakfast. He smiled at her and sat down next to her on the bed and tried to take a piece of her bacon. Rachael glared at him and slapped his hand. 

"Sorry," Stephen chuckled. 

"It's okay. Just don't do it again," Rachael warned. "I was wondering if later you could show me around here."

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