Chapter Fourteen

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"No, no, no," Stephen sighed. "Do it like this, Rachael." 

It had been a week since the Ancient One's passing. Stephen had spent his time trying to teach Rachael how to do simple magic. He was letting her use the Eye of Agamotto while he taught her. He would use it to show her what to do, and then he would put it around her neck so she could try it herself. The magic he was trying to teach her was how to generate sparks from her hands. He had understood it easily, so he was trying not to get frustrated with Rachael for not getting it on her fifth or sixth try.

"I don't get it," Rachael sighed. 

"I didn't get it my first few tries either," Stephen said. 

"But you did get it eventually," Rachael muttered.

"And so will you," Stephen encouraged. 

"How many tries did it take you to at least get something out of it?" Rachael asked.

"Five," Stephen admitted. 

"And here we are on my eighth try," Rachael sighed. 

"Hey, you'll get it eventually," Stephen said. "Just try not to be frustrated. You have to be as calm as possible for this to work while your just getting the hang of it."

"Did you get frustrated?" Rachael asked.

"Frustrated is an understatement," Stephen said. "The Eye of Agamotto almost took a hit to the wall." 

Rachael laughed. "I don't doubt that."

"How about we stop now?" Stephen said. "We can try again when you're less tense."

"What do you suggest to make me less tense, Doctor Strange?" Rachael asked, scooting closer to him. Stephen smirked at her.

"How about this?" he said. 

Stephen cupped her face in his hands and started kissing her. Rachael deepened the kiss and moved so that she was sitting on his lap. Stephen adjusted the way he was sitting to make them both more comfortable. 

"I love you, Stephen," Rachael murmured when they took a quick break for air.

"I love you too, Rachael," Stephen replied.

Just as they were about to reconnect their lips, there was knock on the door. Stephen panicked and shoved Rachael off of him. While he had meant for her to just get off his lap, he accidentally pushed her off the bed and she fell to the floor with a crash!

"Come in!" Stephen called.

Wong opened the door and looked down at Rachael, who was glaring up at Stephen. "Are you alright, Miss Barrow?" 

"Yes," she said.

"Sorry, Rach," Stephen said. "Can you get up?"

Rachael rolled over (she had landed on her back) and pushed herself up. She stood up and then sat back down on the bed, a couple feet away from Stephen this time. Wong gave Stephen a look and Stephen held up his hands to say he hadn't meant to hurt Rachael. Wong shook his head and sighed.

"Stephen, I have come to tell you that Kaecilius and his allies have been spotted," Wong said. "We need to go to the Sanctum Sanctorum."

"You all keep mentioning this Sanctum Sanctorum," Stephen said. "What is it?"

"It was the Ancient One's headquarters when she was alive," Wong explained. "It protects the Nexus of All Realities, which is the center of all other dimensions." 

"Where is it?" Stephen asked, getting up and stretching. 

"New York City," Wong said.

"New York City?" Rachael sat up straighter and a grin spread across her face. "Finally! I can go home!"

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