Part 11

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Hello!!!! Sorry I've been such an ass and like completely didn't update in forever........... You have all rights to be super pissed at me... :(

Well I hope that this chapter makes it up...


This creature standing in front of her wasn't human.

Scarlet wouldn't even be surprised if he said he was an alien.

She was ready to hear about this hot alien thing in front of her.

Wait did she actually say that? She chided herself. Now was not the time for distractions!

Wolf took in a deep breath.

"Ok. Just don't run away and call the cops or anything like that," he started.

"45 seconds have passed already." Scarlet said in response. She didn't want to leave Wolf for real, but right now she was terrified.

Scarlet Benoit was never terrified.

"It all started when I was young. I was a child of a bodyguard and a maid. I was five when they took me away."

Scarlet cocked her head to the side.

"Took you away?" she asked questioningly.

"Yes. The lady that my dad worked for... She wanted to try making invisible people. She wanted power and money. There was only one thing standing in her way."

Scarlet looked at him. Was she going to actually listen to this sober story? Might as well give it a chance.

"Go on." She said.

"It was her niece. All the money that she had didn't belong to her. It belonged to her sister and her niece was the next one in line to inherit all the money and fame."

"How do you fit into all of this?" Scarlet asked.

Wolf sighed. "I was one of the first test subjects."

Scarlet made a confused expression. " Then how did you end up with, you know, the twitching ears?"

Wolf laughed. "That was my enhanced hearing. They also enhanced my nose."

A dark look crossed over Wolf's face.

"I ran away soon after, when I realized the purpose of her experiment."

"Which is....." Scarlet asked. Ignoring that the fact that the time she had set was over.

Wolf seemed to realize that to and relaxed slightly.

"We were made to kill."

Wolf looked away quickly

"Remember how I was talking about her niece?"

Scarlet nodded slowly.

Wolf seemed to catch that out of the corner of his eye because he continued.

"Well it seemed that when the lady tried to kill her niece, she failed. People rescued her niece. And now the lady has found her."

Scarlet tensed. Finally seeing how this all connected.

"Who is the niece Wolf?" She asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"Your friend. Cinder."

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