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It was 5 minutes till the end of the day. The Kai kid seemed really interested in her and now she was going to walk with him for half an hour. What if he found out about her metal parts… Oh my god that was an issue too.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder.

Cinder swung around to find a friendly face staring at her.

"Hello again," she said.

Cinder remembered where she met is girl now.

After she bumped into Kai in the morning a red headed girl came to talk to her about him.

She said she saw everything and Kai was definitely interested in her.

"Hello", Cinder replied.

The red head looked at her and laughed.

Hello"You forgot my name didn't you!" She said.

Cinder laughed to. " only a bit," she responded.

"My name is Scarlet, remember the hair," she said laughing.

Cinder smiled.

"Anyways, end of day, and you have a date with the hottest kid in school." She said smiling.

Cinder rolled her eyes, "it not a date" she said.

The bell rang and Cinder grabbed her stuff.

"Im coming with you out.. Your going to introduce me to your hot boyfriend." Scarlet said following Cinder.

Cinder groaned, this girl would never listen to her.

Cinder walked out to he front of the school, and there he was.

He was also with a friend.

"Hello," he said.

Cinder smiled and said ," who's your friend?"

Kai glanced at his friend.

"This is Wolf," he said.

Cinder looked up at Wolf, he was one tall kid.

"Hello," Cinder said, looking at him.

The Wolf kid didn't respond though, he was looking past her at something.

Cinder turned around to see tat he was looking at Scarlet walk out of the building towards her.

Cinder smiled, when Scarlet reached her.

"Hello, Kai," Scarlet said and then looked up at Wolf who started blushing furiously.

Cinder smiled, "I'll be going now, see you tomorrow Scar," she said grabbing Kai's hand and walking away.

After they were out of Scarlet and Wolf's view, Cinder dropped Kai's arm.

"Sorry about holding your hand, I just needed to get away from there," she said.

Kai smiled at her and said, "I was fine with holding your hand."

Cinder quickly thanked the gods that she couldn't blush.

After they went of school grounds, Kai looked at Cinder, "where do you work?" He asked,

"Mechanic store, it'll take us half an hour to get there, so now is your chance to bail." She said.

"Half an hour!" Kai said.

Cinder raised an eyebrow.

Kai quickly recovered and said, " yah pff that's nothing."

Cinder laughed and kept on walking.

Kai scrambled beside her.

"So talk to about something," he said.

"What?" She asked.

Kai thought for a second and said, "tell me a story."

Cinder thought for a second. And came to the conclusion that she was going to tell him a very true story.

He was going to find out anyway.

Cinder sighed and started speaking.

"It's a very long story," she said staring at Kai.

"I have all the time in the world," Kai said.

Cinder looked down at the ground, it was time for her to come clean.

"A mother was pregnant with a child, but she didn't know who the dad was and she didn't care. They were wealthy millionaires and she didn't really care about how she inherited the money, all she cared was for the money. She lived with her sister who was very you young at the age. When the baby was born it was all fine for sometime. Then when she was two, the mother developed a disease that killed her, leaving the girl with her aunt." Cinder looked at Kai to see if he was still listening.

When he looked back at her she quickly looked back down and resumed.

"After she turned three, She went to play out one day. I don't know how but a fire started in the backyard. She was burned and scorched crying for help but no one would come. The aunt disappeared after that day taking all the money with her. She will inherit it this year." She said.

She reached the shop and opened the door.

"What happened to he girl," he asked.

Cinder sighed, "a bunch of doctors experimented with her, turning her into a living machine. It was horrible, so horrible. The girl wished that she died in the accident. And she still does, every single day. They saved her but it was horrible, the girl had mechanical parts everywhere and she's incapable of blushing and crying. She's hardly even human." A sob escaped her

Kai just stared at her, "Cinder who is that girl?" He whispered.

Cinder looked down, it was time he knew. He was going to run away.

"Me" she said, barely audible.

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