Pretty Girls

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Kai got off at the school campus way earlier then anyone else.

Last thing he needed was people gawking at his limousine.

"Thank you, you may leave now." He said hurriedly walking away.

He made his way to the field and sat under a tree.

He wasn't very athletic.

Scratch that, he wasn't good at anything but business.

With a dad who was a billionaire because of his businesses, you don't have any choice on what your life is going to be.

When people started pouring into the schoolyard, Kai made his get away.

He slowly started walking for first period. He pulled his hoodie on and looked down. He continued to walk, until he crashed into something.

Kai's head bolted up.

He crashed into a girl, and now she was on the floor.

Kai immediately went down to help her out.

She didn't seem to be recovered yet, so he just stared at her for a second.

She was a super pretty girl with straight brown hair and large eyes.

Large eyes!

She was looking at him.

"Oh my god are you okay? I'm so sorry. Oh stars..." Kai kept on rambling until the girl cut him of.

"I'm fine," she briskly said.

Kai got up quickly so that she couldn't see him blush.

He held a hand out towards the girl.

She grabbed it and he pulled her up.

"I'm Kai," he said.

Stupid, he immediately thought.

Nice first impression.

"Nice to meet you Kai," she said and walked away.

Not giving him a second glance.

Kai walked towards class.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and immediately turned around.

"Chill," said a voice.

Kai laughed.

It was his friend Wolf.

"I saw youwith a girl," Wolf said, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Oh, right." Kai said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I kinda ran into her. And I acted like a complete idiot about it." Kai stuttered, blushing.

"You like her." Wolf stated.

Kai's blush deepened.

"No, I don't." He said and walked away before his mouth could betray him.

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