Chater (Idk what chapter is this?)

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AN: I can't believe you still read this after all my late updates.... You guys really are the best!!!!!!!!! Oh and reason for my behavior:

I have school hmk.... o_o

ikkk ikkkk horrible excuse like everyone has hmk right!!!! Well, my teachers really are devils... they go I will murder you now!!!!!

Also, my teenage hormones are interfering with my life and me don't like it. Help anyone!!!!!! I hate thisssssss...

Things that happened in school so far:

Hmk,Hmk,Friends,Hmk,Hmk,Hmk,Friends,Hmk,Hmk,Guy decides to ask me out and I start to cry because I don't want to hurt him,Hmk,Hmk,Another guy,Hmk,Hmk

Me sighing, y is school so hard?

Anywaysssss u ppl r probably already pissed at me for making u wait for so long sooo here it is...

Wait no more!!!


I sat upright on my chair, perked up because of the latest mission Sybil gave me. It was to capture none other than Selene herself.

I sighed as I looked out the only window I had in this wretched place. One day I would get out of here.One day I would be free.

Suddenly, my computer pinged sending a shiver down my spine. I would never get used to that sound!

I didn't know much about why I had to track down a girl named Selene, but I did know that she was someone valuable. For some reason, Sybil seemed to be really intent on finding out where she was.

It had taken me a couple of years after the assignment was assigned to me to trace her location.

Sybil hadn't been really friendly with me at that time.

I assumed Selene was just another old woman who owed money to the main mistress, but boy was I wrong.

After tracking down Selene, I had learned that she was only a teenage girl. Why would Sybil want her? I had no clue.

I raced to the computer to see what notification I had received and sighed when I saw that it was nothing important, well at least not anymore.

It was just saying that Carswell Thorne was trying to escape Levana's holding after being in custody for several months... AGAIN! He had been brought here since he had 'stolen' one of her many jewels. In my opinion, I didn't think anyone cares. They just want him here.

You could say that I was a bit of a stalker... I had a huge crush on Thorne and never failed to figure out what was exactly going on in his life.

Suddenly a big bang came from the other side of my metal door.

I panicked and quickly shut down the notification and adjusted my super long hair.

I had never been given anything sharp to cut my hair with, so I just let it grow.

"Who is it?" I hollered already knowing the answer.

"Me," said a grumpy voice, suddenly barging into the small living space I called home.

I sucked in my breath as I saw who had come in.

It was Sybil herself! She hadn't come to visit me in months!

"Hello mistress," I said softly looking down at the ground.

"Hello Crescent, I am pleased to inform you that you have done your job well." she replied, staring intently at me.

I nodded in thanks, with my eyes trained on the ground.

She stalked around the room, eyeing the place with distaste.

"Mistress Levana thanks you for your support. I will be calling you if anything else is needed." She said making her way back to the door.

"Of course," I replied looking up, wishing there was a way that I could run out of the room, never to come back into this wretched place.

Sybil nodded before walking out of the small area and locking me in again.

I let out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding.

I walked over to my computer to see what Mistress Levana was doing to the poor Selene character.

"Get me out of here!" a teenage girl screamed.

That was when I knew I made a mistake. This was no place for someone so young!

I quickly went back to look at Selene's recent history and was surprised to see an acquaintance in her list of people she knew.

Someone named Scarlet Benoit.

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