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7. Scarlet
Cinder left Scarlet alone with a man, well a teenager but he looked older, a few weeks ago.

Now that man won't stop following her.

Wherever she went she always saw him.

Not that the guy wasn't cute and all, but still... It was getting kinda annoying.

Today though, she had enough.

"What do you want!" She practically screamed at him.

Scarlet thought back... His name was Wolf.

Odd, she thought.

The Wolfguy seemed almost afraid.

"Ummm... I was just wondering if you had seen Kai, or even Cinder."

Scarlet thought back...

"Now that you mention it, no."

"Stars," muttered Wolf and paced.

"I have to find them." He said.

"Wait what." Scarlet asked.

"I have to leave." Wolf said leaving the school.

"You can't do that," Scarlet said, chasing him.

Wolf turned around, hovering over her.

He had a wisp beard growing, and he smelled like grass.

"I don't want them to die." He growled.

Scarlet tensed.

"Then I'm coming too." She responded.

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