Chapter 10 (Ik creative right)

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Hailloooo fellow people! How r u allllll?

I just wanted to say that I'm in mourning now since school is going to start on Tuesday again and Yay Me, I'm stuck in the worst class. *crying*.

Anyway, just wanted to say this chapter was written by Fawnfeather and LilactheDryad too so u shud check their profiles out (on fanfiction).

Anddddddddd I dont know if she wants me to say this but I still will cuz I'm me, Lilac has officially earned a beta account. (on fanfic again) Yayyy her!

I love you all, and to those starting school this week, PLZ dont die on the first day, (even though its usually the worst)

Love u alll



He felt like she had slapped him.

"What are you?" she gasped out.

"Scar-" he started, tentatively reaching out to her.

She backed away further and snarled.

"Don't touch me,"

Okay, that stung.

For weeks he had tried any means to get her attention.

Then Kai went missing as well as Cinder, and he knew why.

Finally, she payed attention to him, and he found himself letting his guard down.

Now she knew who he really was.

Well, not exactly.

"Scarlet, I can explain," he started.

"Oh really?" she snapped back sarcastically.

Wolf nodded.

"Fine, then you have 2 minutes." She looked down at her phone and then up at him expectantly.

Wolf was at a loss for words.

Where would he even start?

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