Chapter 25

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Although falling asleep was made easy for you, you wake up at early hours of the morning, tossing and turning with a wave of sickness covering your body. Dan is fast asleep, his breathing heavy and his fringe laying across his face. He is still holding onto you but not as tightly as he was, which is actually a relief as if he squeezed any tighter, you would probably projectile vomit! You don't know what's come over you but you just can't help but lay wide awake, clenching tightly onto your churning stomach. You feel a few beads of sweat on your face and you know that something definitely isn't right. Removing Dan's arm from your now burning body, you quickly throw the duvet cover off of you and sit up, your head leaning on the headrest of Dan's bed.

Maybe you've done this to yourself.

For the past few days, you have done nothing but worry, cry and get angry and that's not exactly healthy. You tell yourself to take a few deep breaths but the feeling of sickness is moving further up your body. You need to get to the bathroom - and fast. You run quickly towards the hallway and turn to run towards the bathroom. You throw yourself onto your knees and place your head over the bowl of the toilet, letting yourself be sick.

You feel instant relief and pull away, wiping your mouth on the sleeve of your jumper and tucking your hair behind your ear. You slowly stand up and flush the toilet, leaving the bathroom and heading towards the kitchen. Although the feeling of sickness has gone, you do feel incredibly dizzy now and so one step at a time, you walk into the kitchen and open the cupboards. You grab a tablet and walk over to sink, taking a clean glass and running it under the tap.

Why does your body have be so awkward and be ill at the one of the most crucial times? Hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing and you'll be over it but for now, you need to lay down before you pass out. You head back into Dan's bedroom and as soon as your head hit's the blue, Haru pillow beside Dan, you fall back to sleep.

~ Time Skip~

You wake up a few hours later feeling traces of kisses down your arm and you turn over to see Dan awake.

"Morning sleeping beauty" He smiles, "Sleep well?"

No. No you did not sleep well at all. You tossed, you turned, you felt like death, threw up and then passed out. You want to be honest with him and tell him about it but you feel fine now and you don't want to worry him - he has his own problems to deal with!

"Yeah" You lie with smile, "What about you?"

"Slept like a baby!" Dan responds whilst stretching his arms above his head.

"Well that's good then!" You grin, cuddling up to his body.

You feel Dan's fingers latch onto your hair and he begins twisting it round his fingers, doing little bows, plaits and curls.

"Dan~" You groan, "You're going to make my hair knotty!"

Dan just giggles and releases your hair, nuzzling his cheek against your head. You take hold of his hand and begin slowly rubbing circles into his palm. You lay thinking to yourself how lucky you are to have him by your side and little moments like these you know you will treasure forever.

Dan's head drops to your shoulder and you assume that he has fallen back to sleep, so you look up to admire his sleepy face. That's when you notice something. Dan's hand suddenly turns stone cold in yours and his breathing is suddenly a lot more fast paced. That's when the shaking starts and you know what's going on.

"Dan!" You cry, jumping out from the duvet covers.

You pull the covers off the bed completely and quickly prop his head up on his pillow, whilst screaming for Phil. Phil comes running in with his glasses, bed head and marvel pajama bottoms on and calls an ambulance whilst you hold tightly onto Dan's hand.

"Everything's going to be fine." You whisper, a tear dropping from your face, "I promise."

~ Time Skip ~

Here you are again. The same place you were not so long ago. You and Phil sit in the waiting room, anxious and in shock, waiting to hear back news. You think back to minutes before his fit and everything seemed fine! It truly is astounding how quickly they can occur and also incredibly worrying.

You look up to Phil who is not looking at his phone like he normally would be. Instead, he is just staring blankly at the white wall ahead of him.

"Phil." You say, grabbing his pale hand, "The doctors know what they are doing."

Phil nods and gives you a small, aknowledging smile.

"Was he acting strange at all or was he happy?" Phil questions, facing the wall again.

"He was fine." You respond, "He seemed to be in a great mood actually. I don't understand why this keeps happening."

Phil looks at you out of the corner of his eye.

"Well. I do..." You sigh, "I just wish that he could live happily if these are his last few days."

"I know what you meant." Phil smiles.

Another awkward silence is left and you look to the hallway to see a nurse rushing through.

"Guests of Mr Howell?" She calls out, breathlessly.

You release Phil's hand and stand up abruptly. You give an awkward wave to signal that you are here for him and her eyes light up, as she notices.

"Could you come with me please? She asks.

You and Phil look to each other nervously and proceed to follow the nurse out of the waiting room, through a maze of corridors and finally, into an office. The nurse swings open the door, allowing you and Phil to walk in and take a seat in front of the desk. She closes the door, takes a seat behind the desk and looks at you in the eye.

"We have some things we'd like to discuss with you both."

A/N Ooooh so you were woken in the night feeling sick, Dan had another fit and now you and Phil are about to discuss something important with the nurse. Has something happened? Is something going to happen? Is Dan going to be okay? Let me know your thoughts in the comments (I love reading them! 😂) and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Gracias!

~ Katie ^.^

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