Chapter 4

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You and Dan quickly turn over and sit up, looking at a rather tired Phil in the door frame.

"What could you two possibly be arguing about at this time?" Phil questions, scratching his head.

"Sorry Phil." Dan quickly responds, "We just couldn't sleep."

Phil frowns and and looks at your upset facial expression. He knows from that exactly what you were talking about.

"Okay." Phil sighs, "Well maybe this isn't the right time for a discussion. It's been a long day for all of us."

You and Dan just nod.

"Yeah you're right" Dan says, "Sorry to wake you Phil. Night."

Phil waves and then walks back out of Dan's bedroom, closing the creaky white door behind him. You hear Dan sigh and then roll over onto his side. You guess that whatever he was about to tell you isn't going to happen right now and so you sit up and crawl out of the black and white covers.

As you begin tip-toeing out of the bedroom, you hear another rustle of the covers.

"(y/n)?" Dan whispers.

You slowly spin back around to face the bed and see Dan's anxious facial expression looking back at you.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" You ask, moving closer to the bed.

There is a brief pause and then Dan exhales.

"I got angry and that really wouldn't have set the right tone for what I was going to tell you." He explains.

"Oh Dan." You sigh, crawling back under the covers, "I just want to know what's going on with you."

"It's really nothing"

"If it's nothing Dan, why are you trying to hide it from me?"

Another moment of silence takes place and you look at Dan's emotionless face.


You notice that his teeth begin chattering and you can feel the coldness of his skin press against you. Now incredibly worried, you sit up bolt straight and flick on Dan's bedside lamp.

"Dan!" You repeat, this time yelling.

Just like before, a violent spell of shaking takes over his entire body and you scream for Phil, who immediately runs into the room.
An ambulance is called and after being evacuated from the apartment as a gas and air mask is put over Dan's mouth, you end up back at the hospital where you were not long ago.

Why does this keep happening?

~ Time Skip ~

"I need answers!" You yell over the desk, "We are being told nothing as if he doesn't matter when he could be dying for all we know!"

"Ma'am we can't just give out personal patient infomation without permission from the patient." The receptionist calmly explains.

"He's unconcious for god sake!" You cry, "Why can't you just tell us what the hell is going on?!"

As the receptionist goes to open her mouth, Phil puts his arm across you and apologises to the receptionist.
He pulls you back and then places his hands on your shoulders.

"(y/n) please relax." Phil says seriously, "Dan is going to be okay just like before and then when he is ready, he'll tell us what's going on."

"But what if he doesn't Phil?" You respond, tears welling up in your eyes , "This was supposed to be a great week but so far, all there has been is hurt, anger and disappointment and we're not even half way into the second full day!"

Phil sighs and escorts you back over to the waiting room, his arm still firmly around your shoulders.

"I understand how you feel - believe me." Phil mumbles, "I told you yesterday that he had been acting wierd but I guess I should elaborate."

You look up at Phil and watch his face fall as if memories of Dan's strange behaviour are replaying in his mind. You begin to feel selfish as you clearly aren't the only one being hurt from Dan's secrecy.

"Yesterday was not the first time that Dan has had a fit. He's had them a few times now, which is why I know what to do when they happen. The doctors keep fobbing him off with different medication for the fits but Dan refuses to take them. He also gets reoccuring migraines and as you may have already witnessed, his personality changes constantly. I did some research and these symptoms lead to some...unsatisfying results." Phil explains, his voice shaking, "He still hasn't told me either but I promise you he'll tell us when he feels it is the right time. He didn't want me to tell you about all of this because this was supposed to be yours and Dan's special week but you needed to know and I hope Dan understands that."

So he is hiding things from you and it isn't 'nothing' like Dan keeps telling you it is. It does make you worry more but it also makes you realise that despite the overprotectiveness of Dan's nature, this was 'yours and Dan's special week' and those words bring you comfort and a small smile to your face.

"Thank you Phil." You say.

"No problem at all." Phil smiles, "I still have that KitKat in my pocket if you would like it...I mean it may be crumpled up and have melted slightly but I'm sure it's still good to eat!"

You giggle and shake your head.

"Thanks for the offer Phil but I'm fine" You respond.

Phil just laughs and pulls his phone out from his pocket, opening up Pokemon GO.

"Oh!" Phil exclaims, jumping up from his seat, "There are 3 pokestops further up the corridor and a potential Bulbasaur! Be right back!"

Phil begins pacing up the corridor, leaving you laughing on your chair, rolling your eyes.

Just as you go to pull out your own phone from your pocket, you see a nurse walking towards you.

"Miss (y/l/n)?" She questions.


"Mr Howell has requested to see you."

A/N Things aren't looking good for Dan right now - even Phil's quite worried! What does Dan want you for? Will he tell you what's going on? What DO YOU THINK is going on? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! Love you all!


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