Chapter 15

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As you walk up the concrete steps to your apartment, you notice a small, plump and grumpy man in a suit with a thick grey beard. As he comes more into view, you see that he has a phone pressed to his ear.

"Yes you can move in as soon as you can." He says, "It'll be vacant in 20 hours exactly."

He looks down at his large Armani watch and glares at both you and Dan as you walk past and unlock the door. As you go to close it, Dan quickly flicks his middle finger up and then rolls his eyes. You giggle and slam the door.

"That man is an utter twonk" Dan spits.

"Yeah and it all ready looks like he found someone to take my place - good luck to them!" You state.

Dan still looks rather frustrated with his eyes narrowed and his mouth tight as if he is biting down on his tongue. You place your hands on either side of his face and pull him in close for a quick kiss.

"It's okay Daniel. Calm down." You whisper, pressing you lips against his one more time, "He isn't worth it."

Dan's face immediately relaxes and he rests his forehead against yours. Your eyes locked with his and Dan sympathetically smiles.

"I'm sor-"

"Dan!" You groan, "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to keep saying you're sorry?"

Dan grins and places a delicate kiss on your cheek.

"Come on you soppy muppet." You tease, "Let's just get my things and go."

Dan chuckles and lets go of you, turning around.

"Where do you want to start?" He asks, looking around at all of your things.

"I don't really know" You sigh, "It's already so late and I have so much stuff!"

"Well prioritize your belongings." Dan suggest, "Whatever you don't need, leave it here for the greedy git outside to clean up!"

You do love how overprotective Dan can be over you and it reminds you of when you used to be bullied. Despite growing up together, you and Dan went to different schools: he went to an all-boys school and you went to an average, unisex school across the road. As soon as Dan found out that some boys had been stepping on the backs of your shoes and stealing your things, he got incredibly angry and decided to meet them outside the school gates. He told them that if they didn't leave you alone, he'd deal with them. Like little naive boys, they laughed in his face and rode away on their bikes.

A week after threatening them, the boys decided to steal your backpack and hang it up high on a tree in the park. You pleaded that they would take it down but they refused and so you rang Dan. Let's just say you got your backpack back and the boys bullying you had black eyes and never messed with you again! Sure, Dan got suspended for a few days but he has always said that it was totally worth it!

"Well you sort your bedroom out and I'll pull out some cardboard boxes from the attic." Dan tells you.

~ Time Skip ~

"Is that everything?" Dan asks, cradling a stack of cardboard boxes filled with you things.

"I think so." You respond, carrying your own tower of boxes.

Just as you head towards the door, Mr Mornon pushes his way through the door and places his hands on his hips.

"Are you two trouble-makers leaving anytime soon?" He questions, scowling over at Dan.

"Yes we were actually." You respond.

"And I believe that her 24 hours isn't up anyway." Dan hisses, "So I suggest you leave her alone and move out of our way."

"And who might you be?" Mr Mornon questions, now becoming more intense.

"Your worst nightmare if you say another word." Dan fires back.

You can see from your landlord's face that he is shocked by Dan's response and wants to retaliate but can't predict how Dan would carry out his threat. Doing as he's told, Mr Mornon moves out of the way and lets you and Dan proceed out of the door.

"Good riddance jackass!" Dan calls out to him, kicking the door closed with his foot.

As you make your way down the steps, you hold back a laugh and look over at Dan. You can see that Dan is yet again rather irritated but you remind him that he's not worth it and continue walking down the dark road, back to Dan and Phil's apartment - your new home.

~ Time Skip ~

"Are you sure you're okay with me staying here?" You ask, placing the boxes down on your bedroom floor.

"Of course!" Dan says, "More than okay with it."

"Thank you." You smile.

"Anyway, it's getting into early hours so I better get some sleep." Dan yawns.

"I agree! Night Dan."

Dan walks up to you and wrap his long arms around you.

"Night." He responds, his warm breath dancing on your neck.

Pulling away a little, he places a small kiss on your nose and then smiles.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Letting go of your sides, Dan does a little wave and then traipses over to your door. He closes it behind him, leaving you alone with a peaceful mind and a stomach full of butterflies. You pull your grey jogging bottoms and white vest top out of your bag and lay them on your bed sheets, allowing you to remove your outfit and put them on. Realizing that you haven't stopped smiling, you shake your head and crawl under the covers. You stretch your arm out, switch off you lamp and bury your head in your pillow in exhaustion. Today has been so busy and filled with so many different emotions but the result was a good one and you hope from now on, everything will fall into place and return back to normal.

Unfortunately, that's never really the case.

A/N So you are officially living with Dan and Phil and are at your happiest so far! Things are going well: you and Dan are loved up and he seems to be facing problems a lot better rather than bottling them up. But what is ahead? Will things take a turn for the worst? Find out in the next chapter and don't forget to comment your suggestions and ideas. Thank you, you beauties!

~ Katie :P

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