Winter Rose

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It's finally snowing! I keep seeing people saying: "OMG! SNOW!" and when I look out my window, it's sunny. pfft. But now that it's snowing I looked outside and saw a freaking flower that wasn't dead. It's not even supposed to be a winter flower. So, I wrote this poem. For sure it isn't a very good one, but whatever.



Snow like white angels

Snow falling so swiftly

In the winter menace

A gentle fall brings cheer

A white blanket which covers all

Through the winter sight

A kiss of spring appears

A rose, one rose, living strong and clear

Vibrant red against the white endless snow

Surviving so swiftly

Past it’s time to go

A rose that’s lasted so long,

Through spring




No scars upon its delicate petals

It tells a story, which one cannot quite read

About this beautiful little rose

And what it has seen

Just moments ago,

It would’ve been a sweet summer beauty

But now

It’s simply

A winter rose.

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