This Lame Romance

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Like myths, some poetry is in story form. Yeah it's gonna suck cuz I have no idea how to do this. If you thought I knew what I was doing, here's a question: Who the hippo told you that?


The daughter of a lord and his wife

She and her siblings had everything

What they did not have, they could get without a thought

She was selfish


and Spoiled

Spoiled rotten she was

Yet they loved the fair maiden

For she was as beautiful as beauty goes

Suitors far and wide

Came to recieve her hand

Yet the young lady wouldn't look at a single one

The old lord began to worry his daughter

Would stay single forever

At long last came a time

Yet the miss fell in love

A dashing young man, a no better match

For the beloved girl

And he loved her too

Or so it seemed

But youth is fresh

with hormones a blooming

Changing emotions here and there

Constantly going from one to another

Alas, the lad didn't seem to love this lass for long

His eyes seemed attracted to quite another

Another girl, merely half as beautiful

Of the maiden we speak of now

A peasant girl

What luck

This girl

This ugly, bland girl

Loved our young man here as well

The lord freaked of what he were to do

For emotions were not a matter

His money could maintain.

But he needn't have worried

His daughter had plenty of her own tricks

Kindness, Friendship, Trust

Promises, Secrets, Laughs

A peasant girl would gladly become a friend of the lord's daughter

But a true friendship is hard to find.

This poor, ugly girl told the dashing boy to go

Love the lord's daughter

For she held more pleasure he could ever recieve from a peasant

That boy's a fool

A fool he was

But he was young as well

WIth plenty of time to make things right.

The pesant grieved

Having lost her love

Without a single thanks

From her so-called friend

The lord did not know

A single bit of his daughter's cruelty

He prepared for the marriage

Of this lad and lass

But the lass had long ago lost her interest

"I'm sorry dear sir, but my feelings are no longer so, I'll leave you for another man, with more in his future," she told the boy.

Broken and confused ended this first romance.

On and on this pattern went

Loving one, leaving another

Creating friendships

Creating grand betrayals.

In the end

This beautiful maiden did not become betrothed

To one man or another

On her death all she left

Were broken hearts and weeping souls


BWAHAHAHAHA so how was it? You like? I didn't work that hard. But yeah.... This is based on a real story. That I took no point in beside watching at the sides. Hope you enjoyed!

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