More Sorries

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  • Dedicated to S.N. who was the cause of so many problems

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry I never said anything

I'm sorry I never tried a thing

I'm sorry I ever loved you

I'm sorry I can't forget you

I'm sorry I can't let you go

I'm sorry you never loved me back

I'm sorry I'm not good enough.

I'm sorry you were so cruel

I'm sorry you hated me

I'm sorry you found out the way you did

I'm sorry that you went away.

I'm sorry I ever met you

I'm sorry I can't go back

To change the past.

I'm sorry I was so sensitive

I'm sorry I got mad

I'm sorry I started to cry

But I'm also sorry for what you said

I'm sorry I never explained

I'm sorry I turned them all against you

I'm sorry I blamed you

When part of the problem was me

I'm sorry I took it

I'm sorry I gave it away

I'm sorry you never got it back

I'm sorry i never told you

I'm sorry you got mad

I'm sorry it was my fault

I'm sorry they blamed me

I'm sorry this ever happened

So thanks for being forgiving

I'm sorry I lost my temper

I'm sorry I yelled

I'm sorry I hit you

I'm sorry your eye began to swell

I'm sorry for throwing the first punch

I'm sorry you ever said what you did

I'm sorry I never forgave you

I'm sorry you never apologized

I'm sorry I ever paid attention

I'm sorry I ever said anything

I'm sorry I didn't just ignore you

I'm sorry that you feel pain now

I'm sorry for you

Since that probably hurts

I'm sorry I argued

I'm sorry I wouldn't listen

I'm sorry I was stubborn

I'm sorry for who I am

I'm sorry for not being good enough

I'm sorry I didn't understand

I'm sorry you got mad

i'm sorry i was pissed too

I'm sorry I was even born.

I'm sorry for everything

I'm so, so, sorry

But it's not like I can go back to fix it all

So please

for now

just forget it all

and forgive me


I've been meaning to write something like this and I may add more to it. These are my apologies to people I may never speak to again. I regret so many things but I can't go back to fix it- and I can't talk to them and apologize (actually, for some ppl I can ;) )

These are my poems of sorries to things I regret or apologize for, or have some guilt to. Note: No, I didn't hit anyone! Sometimes, I seriously want to but no- I didn't.

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