Poems of Pain

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Idk why, but I write a lot of poems when I feel like crap so even if some aren't good, these are just some random poems I wrote a while ago and some are recent- kay? It's kind of long so I suggest only reading it when you feel like it >.<"



You gave me roses

I gave you cookies

You gave me diamonds

I gave you rubies

But when you gave me your love

I gave you nothing

I could not give you my love

That was already in someone else’s hands.


It’s just my luck

And it’s just how fate rolls

That all this has happened

To me

Even through it all,

Harsh and cold

I can still be happy,

Bright, and enjoy my life

And that is because of



My heart feels heavy

From the task before me

It’s going to take a while

I stick my tongue out

Cross my eyes

Just to feel less queasy

But when I’m done

The work’s still there

It won’t move

Unless I move it.


Now this is too much

I’m sick and tired of this work

You’ve piled me up

A mile high

And now I can’t get down

Cut me loose

Help me out

I refuse to stay forever

I won’t stay here

A minute longer

Even if I fall

I’ve had enough

It’s time for me to go.


I’m crying

And crying

I know you want to help me,

And I know you can help me

But I don’t want you to

I don’t want to bring you into this swirling mass of misery.

My tears are a waterfall that crushes you to the floor.

I will always be crying

Deep inside of me

Poems of PainWhere stories live. Discover now