Someone's Gonna Die

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  • Dedicated to H.M. ~ Who even pissed me off

Hey dudes... I didn't write this one. It's by my buddy who I won't name. Man was she probably pissed. Is violence something you can report on? Well, don't report me, just tell me so I can take it off. Enjoy I guess?


So many people to choose from

So many people are doing things so wrong

So wrong.

One of them is going to die.

Stab them in the gut

Twist the knife like a key

Break every bone in their body

Besides their spine

Rip each limb off one by one

Pour salt over their wounds

Make them suffer like never before

before they die

Make this death long and painful

To pay back for everything they've done

When people grieve over them

Tell those people their death was sweet

Compared to what it'll be like in hell

Where they'll be staying

Make sure their remains are thrown in a fire

While they're still breathing, still alive

So that we can hear more

Of those lovely pained screams

Hate them

Kill them

Don't rest until they die.


My other friend told her: Man, If a counselor saw you write this, they'd have to give you a stern talk... I don't think she really cared. But that girl has serious anger issues! Can't you tell? But still, I kinda like the poem, which is why I put it up here XD

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