Eleventh Letter

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"Whenever skies look grey to me and trouble begins to brew. Whenever the winter winds become too strong, I concentrate on you." 

-I Concentrate On You - Frank Sinatra


"We're not married." Krystal laughed, feeling confused.

"Could he have highlighted it, planning on marrying her?" Jin thought to himself.

"Oh," Krystal said, looking up through the umbrella, frowning as the rain stopped falling.

"I know why he highlighted this." She smiled.

"This is about my parents. It has to be." Krystal said, feeling somehow clueless.

Another riddle to solve.

"Anyway," Krystal sighed, closing the book as Jin closed the umbrella.

Jin smiled at the sky as it cleared up. The clouds weren't hugging each other anymore. They weren't fighting over the sun. They weren't crying.

Krystal opened the envelope, preparing to read the letter.

"Dear Tae,

It rained today and I couldn't help but imagine you with me on the sidewalk, jumping in puddles, laughing."

Krystal stopped reading.

"Want me to tell you about my rainy nights with him?" She asked, receiving an enthusiastic nod from Jin.

Krystal stared at the droplets as they fell one after the other on the window.

Her phone stopped her from admiring the rain.

"Tae!" She beamed into the receiver.

"It's raining." He replied.

"I know." Krystal laughed, but immediately pursed her lips.

"You know what that means." Taehyung smirked to himself.

"Yes, I do." She replied as she put on a pair of boots and a jacket.

"I'm already outside." Taehyung replied, making Krystal fly down the staircase.

"Mom, I'm going for a walk with Tae!" She screamed.

"Take care!" Her mother shouted from the kitchen.

She would've told her how she shouldn't go out when it's raining, but it wasn't Krystal's first time.

Her mother gave up.

Krystal opened the door, wrapping her arms around him.

"You're soaking wet!" She exclaimed.

"It's raining." He sarcastically answered, receiving a nudge from Krystal.

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