Tenth Letter

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"I'm willing to admit it's all my fault. I will trade all my pride for what I've lost. I don't want to lose this battle with my thoughts. Nothing good comes from being gone."

- Nothing Good Comes from Being Gone-Flatsound


Jin looked down at the sand, running his fingertips across it, leaving a deep trace.

"What book?" He asked, confused.

Krystal never told him about the way they met.

"Nothing." She muttered.

"Tell me." He pressed.

"I forgot a book at school one day" she said, smiling at the memory. A single tear slid down her cheek.

"and I went back to get it. I ended up running into the principal and she asked me to watch over someone in the detention room. That someone was Tae." She said as more tears ran down her cheeks.

"He was a naughty student?" He asked.

"No." She firmly answered, feeling slightly stung by his question.

"Why did the principal pick you? Was it just a "right place, right time" kind of thing?" He asked.

"She trusted me."

"Ah, teacher's pet." He chuckled.

That nickname hit Krystal in the face for it was one of her infamous nicknames given by Taehyung.

Jin, on the other hand, wanted to know if she really regretted forgetting that book. Did she regret falling in love with Taehyung? Did she regret knowing him? For all he knew, Taehyung changed Krystal's life and Krystal loved the change.

Krystal wanted to take it back. That's not what she regretted most. What she really regretted was not going over to Taehyung's place when he asked her to.

Forgetting that book came second.

The change of atmosphere between the two of them made a bunch of curious questions crash into Jin's mind.

"Why?" He asked the silent girl, still oblivious to the fact that her answer wasn't quite true.

"I know he flipped my life upside down and made it better, but do you really think I'd be this upset if I had forgotten that book that day? I wouldn't have drea-" Krystal paused, remembering she hadn't told Jin about her 'vision'.

"You wouldn't have what?" Jin pressed.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around her legs.

Jin chose to let it go. He focused on trying to fix her, even though he knew the chances of that happening were very slim.

"If it weren't for that book, you wouldn't have felt any of this." Jin said, staring at her.

"Exactly. I wouldn't have been so drained and I definitely wouldn't have suffered so much!" She cried.

"And you wouldn't have experienced that rare love." Jin pointed out.

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