Chapter Eight: Unexpected

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Chapter Eight-Unexpected

I leaned back on the metal wall and watched the numbers of the elevator slowly crawl to their appointed destination. There was a lady with a baby hanging on her hip who looked peeved at the man standing next to her. My guess was that he was her husband and probably forgot to bring the diaper bag. It would also explain the foul smell of baby poop that swirled around the small metal contraption.

The elevator came to a steady stop, the doors clattering open in a loud ear splitting shriek. Maintenance really needed to fix that set of metal doors before it became a hazard. I stepped out into the corridor, letting out a breath that I was not aware I was holding. I walked down the hall of the hospital’s children’s ward, smelling the strong pungent smell of rubbing alcohol and antiseptics.  

Theater practice had been canceled for today by Dr. Devino. There was a rain check with the dentist that had been long overdue and something about a pie waiting afterward – at least that’s what he said. Gemma and I just exchanged a glance when he told us 3rd period. Devino then proceeded in doing a pantomime, which made us rush out of the room in a fit of giggles.

I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks, my mouth gaping open. The memory of Dr. Devino faded along with the smile on my face. He was leaning over the counter, his elbows propped on the receptionist desk. There was a smile on the young woman’s face as she twisted a lock of her hair around her finger thrice. High pitched giggles reached my ears as she laughed at a cheesy pick up line he uttered, enjoying the amount of attention he was giving to her. Liam in turn wore a charming smile that was familiar when he flirted.

What on earth was he doing here?

“Anya!” I turned around to see Dr. Wong’s warm smile, rushing to greet me. She was one of the doctors at the pediatric ward who managed special cases such as mine along with Dr. Novak.

I glanced towards Liam and saw that his eyes were trained on me, capturing his full attention. Oh how I wished the floor would crumble beneath my feet and send me to my perilous doom. God, why couldn’t I escape him? As if I didn’t get enough of him at school. What could he possibly want to land him here of all places?

“How are you dear?” She put an arm around me, leading me towards the receptionist desk where Liam commenced his flirtation with his new prey.

“I’m good. How are Maddie and Jon?”

She smiled. “They are doing well. They both have been asking about you – wondering when you’ll go and visit them...which reminds me,” we finally come to a halt in front of the desk where Liam straightens up and flashes one of his signature dazzling crooked smiles. “We have a new volunteer today. I thought you could get him acquainted with the other patients and show him around since you are our star volunteer.”

Dr. Wong winked and flashed an appraising smile that surprisingly made me sulk. Any other day I would be thrilled to have a new volunteer, but it was Liam. Did I need to say more? Looking over her shoulder I saw the amusement shining in his eyes at my discomfort. I kept my cool even though I wanted to demand why he was here on my turf. With a tense smile on my face I said, “Sure, I’d be happy to.”

His dazzling smile turned into a grin that made the receptionist swoon. Pitiful.

“Excellent,” Dr. Wong said not noticing my odd behavior. “I will leave you two then.” She turned on her heels, heading down the corridor towards the lab. “Have fun,” she called back.

Liam chuckled, his eyes shining a bright baby blue. “Oh we most definitely will.”


We spend half an hour on dreaded paperwork in the small cramped file room. Liam listened intently as filled him on what we did, while having an annoying smirk on his face that was surprisingly charming. Ugh. No…don’t think like that Anya. It’s just a game; a stupid and immature game he’s playing.

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