chapter fourteen

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It's been awhile. Alicia still misses Shane. Shane still thinks about Alicia. 

But a lot has changed.

They barely talk now. Although, they aren't cold to each other, they even had to do quick project together once, which went smoothly. They still cared about each other. It just wasn't love anymore.

Alicia had mastered the art of discreet staring as she found find herself gazing at Shane a little longer than she should. Sometimes while she was watching, Shane would let out a little laugh or smile while talking to whoever he was conversing with, and it still never failed to make Alicia smile back.

Shane still stared her, while she pretends to pay attention in class. He still tells everyone she is off limits. They still can't bare the thought of seeing each other with someone else.

More time passed, they still see each other at school, but they don't think about each other as much. There aren't much discreet glances. The other is more of a lingering thought that leaves a bittersweet taste, and almost nothing more.

Eventually, it's almost like the other didn't exist anymore. Occasionally, they are brought two steps back when something triggers a memory but they are quick to pick themselves back up. Alicia will always be the most beautiful girl to Shane inside and out, and Shane will always be the perfect man in Alicia eyes. In the end, they will always have a special place in their heart reserved for the other, even if Shane or Alicia is out of sight, they'll never completely be out of mind.

But maybe that's just how love works. It will make you fall, sometimes fast and hard, sometimes slow and steady but you will still fall in love... and eventually fall out of it. Maybe it's meant to be blissful while it lasts and excruciating when it's gone. Maybe forever doesn't exist, maybe it does, but what would they know?


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