chapter three

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Five months they have been dating. They never really fought, I mean all the petty playful stuff yeah, but never really actually fought.

Until today.

Shane was furious. He had just arrived at starbucks for their date that Alicia excitedly planned, when he saw some attractive college dude chatting her up. Alicia sat on the stool with the sun shining on her perfect features- well perfect for Shane -making her even more beautiful, except for the piece of trash standing on her left, making her laugh so beautifully. Shane convinced himself it was fine, until the jackass placed his hand on Alicia's bare thigh.

Shane shoved the guy, unintentionally causing a scene. This caused them miss the entrance time of an amazing horror house, which after that day was closing forever.

Alicia got mad because Shane got a bruise on his jaw.

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