Bipolar Vampires & Healed Wounds

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 This chapter is dedicated to Katherine_Knight for suggesting David Beckham as Landon Gray. Yum;) He is delish! ha ha

60 votes people! :D You all vote fast anyways.... :)


Darling, I forgive you... After all,
Anything is better than to be alone.
And in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the ashes.


I didn't have time to process why I had written Micah's name on the window because something came crashing through the glass and into the room.

It tackled Landon into the wall, the force of the impact making the material crumble behind Landon's rock-like body.

In a rush, starting at my head and going all the way to the tip of my toes, I regained control of myself. It was unexpected, and my knees buckled at the sudden weight of my own body. They hit the ground with a force that rocked my entire being, sending waves of pain at the sight of my wounds.

My voice came back in full force and I screached out in pain. When I lifted my head, I saw Landon still pinned against the wall.

The person holding him back took a hold of Landon by his neck and I watched in horror as he was banged against the window pane, making the glass spider web.

There was a sharp intake of breath and only when the figure turned his head towards me did I realize it came from my own mouth. Micah's eyes connected with mine, and pain filled his face.

His brow furrowed, and he clenched his teeth. His emerald green eyes closed for a moment, and then opened, staring at me they were pitch black.

Turning back to Landon, he threw him across the room once again. This time he turned but didn't advance on him. Landon stood up and straightened out his clothes, a smug smile on his face. He spoke, "So you're the royal vampire, huh? Mister King to be? You don't like so tough to me."

Micah flew across the room and choked Landon with his forearm pressing him into the wall once again. Through gritted teeth, Micah spoke, his authority in full force, "You don't know a thing about me, and obviously you don't know who she is, or you wouldn't have touched her."

Landon rolled his eyes sarcastically, something he was good at. Then he spoke in a bored voice, "I know exactly who she is."

Micah countered back, "Then you know that your actions will be judged before the panel and you will be punished."

Landon flashed his fangs at Micah and responded, "You need to loosen up, Princey. Have some fun." His words got him thrown into the air, then with grace and skill, Micah appeared where Landon was suspended midair and slammed him into the ground.

Micah hissed, "Your idea of fun is torturing Katherine?"

He rose from the ground, Landon in his grasp, choking for air. His voice had such an evil and low tone to it, I had the urge to cringe away. "I will see to it that you will receive the worst possible punishment for what you have done to her. I should kill you myself but that would be too easy on you."

His face held pure disgust and he effortlessly tossed Landon through the window and into the night air. The sound of the shattering glass filled my ears and I covered them, just wanting it all to go away. Seconds later, I felt Micah carefully pry my hands from my ears and made me rise to my feet.

His face was scrunched, like he was concentrating and a voice in my head told me to run. But I didn't because I didn't have the energy to fight at that moment. Looking down, I remembered I didn't have a shirt on and was standing in my pants and bra for the world to see.

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