Everyone Dies Eventually

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Thank you for ALL of the song suggestions, you guys had some seriously awesome ones! If I don't use your song right away, don't worry! I'm going to use a lot of them :D (UNEDITED)

SHOUT OUT to OneWay. I know you suggested a different song by FireFlight but I thought this one suited the chapter more & I love it :D PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG W/ THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Been stuck for way too long, But I hear Your voice
You're who I'm counting on, Oh, tell me You're here
That You will watch over me forever.

Micah's POV

I had searched everywhere for her, sniffing out her scent all over the city and every square inch of ground within fifty miles. With no luck. I needed to feed, but I refused to stop. He would kill her if I couldn't find her.

And every second that passed she came closer to her death.

I made myself think rationally, starting at square one. Her apartment, maybe there I could find a clue.

Busting the lock on the door, I flew into her apartment. Instantly I knew she wasn't here, her scent was covering the place but I couldn't feel her presence.

There was shattered glass covering the floor of the kitchen and pieces of a broken lamp were strewn across the floor. Looking down the hallway, I could see her sister's doorway was, well, doorless.

When I got inside the room, I saw the door was broken and had crashed into the wall opposite. The room reaked of her blood, and I saw a small dark stain on the plush carpet. Anger coarsed through my veins. I wouldn't hesitate to rip his throat out when I found him.

I heard Greyson come into the apartment, he was still slower than me because of his age. He hadn't fully matured. My sensitive ears caught what he said, "Well, looks like she put up a fight. She's fiesty, isn't she?"

The burning feeling returned to my chest at the thought of her, the thought of him harming her. She was fiesty and she would never go down without a fight. Pride filled me.

Greyson entered the room and inhaled through his nose, "He bit her. There still has been no sign of Nathaniel around the kingdom."

Right, Nathaniel. Her knight in shining armor had gone missing and wasn't here when she needed him the most. I could only hope she would resent him for that..

I strolled into her room, her scent almost suffocating me. She was everywhere, yet she wasn't here at all. As I walked, I ran my hand along her dresser, feeling the wood beneath my palm.

Being in this room, so filled with the thoughts of her, it made my stomach turn and I couldn't stand it any longer.


Upon returning to the mansion, I stormed into my fathers study, Greyson hot on my heels.

My father rose when I entered, he wasn't angry though, he was worried. "Any luck?" He questioned.

I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, frustration surging through my veins. I needed to find her.

There was a squeaking noise and the doors behind me opened. I turned my head only slightly to see a small, plump woman, also a servant, tip-toe into the room, her head down. My father addressed her, "What is it you need?"

She didn't look up, but kept fidgetting with her hands as she spoke in a soft voice, "Sir, my King, I have a message to deliver from Mister Nathaniel Maxwell."

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