Here Kitty Kitty Kat

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I hate to do this BUT I'm asking for a small amount of 40 votes on this chapter before I upload.. YOU CAN DO IT! :D enjoy xo


Two weeks had passed. Two weeks without any show of Micah or Nathaniel since the night Micah had tried to lure me over the railing of my balcony. I was beginning to think he had given up on killing me.

Wishful thinking I guess.

Work had been quite boring, Landon kept me busy with petty work such as getting his coffee, making copies, and of course, taking his overly expensive suits to the dry cleaners. There was the endless sarcasm and mocking, and always some kind of joke being played on me.

One day he had prank called the office I had been stuck in and said my apartment was on fire. Thinking immediately it had something to do with Micah trying to kill me, I sprinted home the whole six miles in heels. Come to find  out, my apartment was untouched and when I returned to the office he was crying from laughter.

I had found out he was single, making my unrealistic dreams more hopeful. Yes, he pranked and teased me, but I couldn't help feel a few stirring emotions inside of me when I saw him. I would be stupid to deny how attractive he was and his stand-off personality made him even more desirable.

It was true, girls want what they can't have.

I was currently sitting in my empty office which consisted of just a desk, chair, and a few office supplies. The walls that faced outside were, of course, made of windows.  Stamping paper's with the office signature had become a daily routine, which is what I was doing now.

Landon strolled in, without knocking of course, and stood in front of my desk expectantly. "Yes?" I said without looking up in an attempt to make me look careless.

"How do I look?" I heard his velvet voice mumble.

I stiffled a laugh, still stamping away, "Well, you're looking a little plump these days. Have you been eating more than usual?"

Sounding annoyed, he replied, "Hilarious, Miss Cameron. Look at me and tell me how I look."

"If you want to know what you look like, why don't you just look in the closest magazine, I'm sure-"

He cut me off mid-sentence, making me jump, "Kate!"

This made me raise my eyes and I had to stop myself from gasping. He looked magnificent. He was wearing gray slacks which formed around his long legs perfectly. His button down was an ocean blue which accented his eyes so brilliantly, I almost got lost in them. His top two buttons were undone, fan me please.

His dark hair was neatly combed back, unlike it's usual messy look. He had a nervous look on his face and I squinted my eyes at him.

"What's the occasion?"

"I, uh, have a date."

I tried my damnest to ignore the crushing feeling that twisted around inside me. "Oh, well, you look fine."

He snipped at me, "Just fine? I can't look just fine. I have a date with the governer's daughter."

The crushing continued. I looked back down at the papers and went back to work, trying to ignore him. "Well, I'm sure she will just love you."

I said love with as much hatred as I could. He replied, "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?"

I snapped back at him, "Why did you ask me how you look? Why didn't you ask someone else in the office?"

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