Things head for worse Part 4

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Tia, baby, dinner's ready," my mom called out.

"I'm coming, mom!" I replied as I walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. But then, I woke up. It was just a dream.

Somebody knocked on the door. "Tia, you awake, girl? Breakfast is ready," Mya called out.

"Yeah, I'm up. I'll be out in a minute," I replied, still feeling a bit disoriented from the dream.

As I walked out to the living room, I saw Charles eating at the table, and Mya was making herself a plate.

"Morning, y'all," I greeted them.

"Morning, girl. You okay?" Mya asked with concern.

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream last night," I replied, trying to shake off the lingering unease.

"It's going to be okay, Tia. Trust me," Mya reassured me.

"Dang, girl, you look crazy as hell in the morning," Charles teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Charles, can we not do this today?" I groaned.

"Aye, I'm just saying, though, girl," Charles chuckled.

"You don't want me to get on your ugly ass!" I retorted.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up before I slap you," Charles fired back, his tone harsh.

"Well, I'm right here, nigga. You're lucky you're friends with my girl, because if not, your ass would've been done for," I warned him, feeling a surge of anger.

Mya intervened, looking at us in disgust. "I wish both of y'all would shut the fuck up. For real."

Silence fell over the room, and Charles changed the subject. "So, look, we've got another job to do. But this one's big. We can't fuck this up, Mya."

"Okay, what do we have to do?" Mya inquired, her expression serious.

"You remember me telling you about Mike's cousin, Shawn?" Charles began.

"Yes, I remember you telling me. What about him?" Mya asked, intrigued.

"Well, he's going to be staying with us for a little while because Mike said he knows the guys who have that money. They're going to make us all rich, supposedly," Charles explained.

"I hope this plan of yours works and the shit doesn't blow up in our face. And I hope he doesn't betray us," I added, feeling a sense of apprehension.

"We've got this shit, Mya. Just stick with your nigga," Charles said, giving me a reassuring nod.

Mya and Charles exchanged looks, indicating that it was time for me to leave. Mya walked up to Charles and started kissing him, and Charles began grabbing her ass.

"Cough! I'm still here, guys," I interjected, feeling uncomfortable.

"Aye, come on upstairs, girl," Charles said to Mya, and they headed upstairs.

I decided to take a shower and clear my head. Afterward, I heard a knock on the door.

"Tia, you in there, girl? It's me, Mya," Mya's voice called out.

"Yeah, I'm in here," I replied as I opened the door.

"Me and Charles are about to go somewhere real quick. Be right back," Mya informed me.

"Shawn's here, girl. You're going to leave me here with that fool?" I protested.

"It's okay. He's fine. Bye, girl. Love ya, but I'm out," Mya said as she hurried off.

Just like that, she left me behind, lost in my thoughts.

Dreams Do Come True PART 1Where stories live. Discover now