Don't Care Nomore Pt2

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After getting off the phone with Mya that night, I couldn't shake off what she said about my mom. I went to my mother's room and started rummaging through her things. That's when I found a letter from her to me.

"Tia, I want you to know I love you very much. I've watched you grow into something beautiful, my baby girl. I just wish I could be here to watch you get married and have kids. But I'm writing you this letter because I want you to know that I have cancer, and I might not be here much longer. I really wish I would have told you, and I'm so sorry for that, baby. I really am. But I want you to know that I'll always be here for you, whether I'm here on Earth or in Heaven. I love you, from Mom."

I couldn't believe it. I wanted to be angry, but I knew I couldn't. There were so many things running through my mind that I just dropped to the floor and cried my eyes out. It was too much to take in.

I got in the car to go to the hospital to check where my mother was at. She was laying there looking so sick. I walked in, and she asked me if everything was okay. I hugged her and started crying. She asked what was wrong, and I pulled out the letter.

"Why didn't you tell me, Mom? Why?" I asked, feeling a mix of shock and sadness.

She looked shocked and started to feel bad. "Baby, I just couldn't. You were doing so well in school, and you were just happy in life."

"But, Mom, I love you. You know I do. Why hide something like this from me?"

"I know, baby. I love you too. I was just doing what I thought was best for you. But I see that was the wrong thing to do."

"How long do you have left?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"I only have a few days, baby, and they're keeping me here."

I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm not going to let you go, Mom. I'm just not. I'm sorry, Mom. I can't do it."

"Everything I said in that letter was true. I want you to know I'm always going to be here. Trust me."

So, I sat right next to her bed, holding her hand and gave her one last kiss goodnight. When I woke up, I felt her hands were so cold, and she had her eyes closed with a smile on her face. I started to scream, "Nooooo! Mom, wake up! Please wake up!"

The doctors rushed in to take her body. I got back in the car crying; I drove home people looking at me wondering what the hell was wrong with me. So, I had to call family members, and while I was on the phone, I saw a car pull up in the driveway. It was my dad. I dropped the phone and locked the doors.

"Anybody there?" he knocked.

I told him to leave now before I call the cops. He said, "Tia, can you please let me in, please?"

"No, I don't want you to be here. You weren't there when my mom raised me, so why now?"

"I'm sorry, Tia. I'm sorry."

I started to feel bad for a second, so I unlocked the door and let him in. It had been years since I'd seen him. He was tall and brownskin with nice hair.

"So, are you okay?" he asked.

"Do I look like I'm okay? Do I really look like I'm okay?"

"Look, I know things didn't work out between me and your mother, but I'm still your father."

I got so mad I wanted to punch him in the face. "Yeah, I know. You might not like this either, but somebody's going to have to watch out for you. So, I'm here if you need me."

"Do you have a place to stay?"

"I'm staying here. Mom gave me the house, and I'm 19, so I think I got it on my own."

"Okay, lil' miss boss now. Well, here's my number. I just moved up the block. If you need anything, I'm here for you, Tia. I'm sorry about all of this. I loved your mother too, just as you did. I just wish things were different between us. I really do."

He tried to give me a hug, and I pushed him away. Before he left out the door, he said, "I love you, Tia," and left.

I was so angry, didn't know what to do, so I called Mya.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

"Hey, girl, are you cool?"

"No, my mother passed away today. She had cancer, and nobody knew. Oh my God, Tia, I'm coming over in a minute. Hang in there, girl."

"Okay, thanks, Mya, for everything. You know I got your back."

"Yeah, I know. Bye."

Ten minutes later, I saw Mya get out of the car and rush to the door, banging. "Tia, are you okay? Let me in."

I answered the door, and she immediately hugged me. "Oh my God, girl, everything's going to be okay. Trust me."

Five hours later, Mya asked if I wanted to spend a couple of days at her house to get away from all of this.

"Yeah, why not?"

So, I packed my stuff and went over to her house, and Charles was there. I never liked him. At one point, Mya and I had dreams of getting out of the hood, but ever since she met Charles, he started changing my best friend and got her all into the street life.

Dreams Do Come True PART 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon