Chapter 7 - Clash of Red

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Ibiki glared at Ketsueki, while the Hozuki returned it with same intensity. Not even a minute since they met each other, but it seemed like they would never get along.

Sad that they forgot about the woman behind them, Mairu was already pinching the bridge of her nose, eyes closed as a soft growly escaped her lips. "...I already have to deal with this...?"

None of the men seemed to care about her. This pissed off the Yuki, and before they knew it, she already had grabbed both the men's wrists, clenching them so tightly that the two flinched and released their own grip.

"You two dare to ignore me, then shake your hands as if you're going to be best friends. You can't fool me! I know what's in your mind!" she yelled, as she dropped their now numb arms, "I'm going to kill this bastard!" she mocked, clearly seen from her gesture, from her voice and all, "Tell you what, both of you will die in my hands instead!"

The two males gulped in fear. Fortunately, suddenly someone came to break the tension.


"Ah, it's been a while, Shin! How are you?"

"As good as always! But please, don't kill Ibiki-sensei, I need him right now."

"Understood, boy. Take him, I still have some business with this Hozuki."

"I guess you're no better than the blonde one." Ketsueki hissed under his breath, receiving a slap on the back of his head from the woman. Ibiki merely smirked, waving his hand mockingly as he left the room with Shin, who shrugged with an innocent smile at the man.

"You're screwed, Ketsueki." Mairu stated, pointing at him in an accusing manner, "Why don't you tell me anything?! Had you at least told me, Akai wouldn't visit me with gloomy face, mourning for everything!"

"Mairu, I-..."

"How could Fuka marry you?! I don't get it, have you lost your mind?! Akai needs you, and you weren't there merely because of some idiotic vow or whatever!"

"How could you-..."

"I've known you just as long as Fuka did! You're really that easy to read, don't you realize that?!"

"Okay, fine! Why are you so mad at me?! What did I do wrong?!"

Mairu gaped at him, her eyes soon narrowed and she let out a heavy breath.

"I cannot believe you're still this stupid! It has been, like, almost ten years, you old man!" She exclaimed, "You weren't there for her, and she made new friends, but now you hate them?!"

Ketsueki's face paled, "Are you a psychic?! It's not even half an hour since you got here, and you found out that much?!"

"Oh, shut up." she muttered, walking further inside, "Just don't act foolish. I don't want Akai to get hurt again."

| * | * | * | * | * |

When the two Kiri shinobis entered the kitchen, they found all the Konoha nins inside, laughing and joking around.

"No, I really mean it, Scarface! It may offend you, but I don't care!"

"At this rate I'm going to forget the sensei title and call you Scarface as well, tashikani!"

"Akito, stop using my verbal tic! It feels weird!"

"I think it suits him, Akai."

"Shin, not you two! Scarface, help me here!"

"You're on your own, brat."

Ketsueki clenched his fists, but before he could give any remarks, Mairu sent him a warning glare, clasping her hands together with a wide smile.

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