Chapter 1

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Mariah's POV

I walked around the kitchen trying to think of what I could make.

"Mariah, I'm hungry." I looked down at my little sister, Mackenzie.

"Mack, I'll find some food, okay?" I said and she just rolled her eyes. I guess being 14 gives her the right to give me attitude.

"What about Max? He's hungry." Mack said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Max needs to be fed to, ok. We don't have much." I said and grabbed a box of pasta from the broken cabinets. I started to cook it as I walked into the living room where my little brother sat next to my other little sister.

"Mariah!" Max squealed happily as he ran to me jumping into my arms.

"Hi, Max." I smiled and my other little sister, Marie, ran over to me. Max was 3 and Marie was 6. As you can tell, I have my hands full with three little kids to take care of.

Let me explain, my name is Mariah and I live alone with my little siblings. I'm 18 and you know how old the rest are. I guess you can say we are poor, I mean we live in an old broken down house and are almost always low on food. I don't care much about how I look, having to make sure my siblings look nice for school is what I care about. As soon as I graduate from high school, I'll be able to help them even more. But for now I need to focus on my studies and keeping all three of them alive.

"Max and Marie, sit down." I said as I served pasta to the two. I walked over to Mack and gave her some pasta. I sat down with them giving myself pasta.

"Yay, pasta!" Marie cheered and Max clapped his hands as I handed him his sippy cup. I gave another sippy cup to Marie who took it happily.

"How was everybody's day?" I asked and they all just ignored me. "Perfect." I said and we all just ate in silence.

"I'm tired, Mariah." Max whined and he rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, I'll put you in bed." I said and stood up. I lifted him up and held him with one arm. I lifted Marie up in my other arm as I carried them down the hall to the room they shared. I laid each one down in their own bed, Max in a crib and Marie in a bed.

"Night, Mariah." they said in unison and I smiled.

"Goodnight, Max and Marie." I said and closed their door. I walked back to the kitchen where Mack was doing dishes for me. "Oh, thank you." I said and sat down just to get a break.

"We are out of milk." Mack informed me and I sighed standing up again. I grabbed the house keys that had everybody's name and picture on it. I always carried it with me so I always had my siblings with me.

I opened the door and closed it locking it behind me. I walked down the dark street with the little money we had in my pocket. I looked around warily as I walked to the store down the street. I walked in and grabbed the milk. I paid for it and carried it back down the street. I heard footsteps and started to walk faster gripping the milk tightly. I turned around and watched as somebody ran at me. My eyes widened and I swung the milk hitting the person in the nose. The groaned in pain and I ran back into the house fumbling with my keys. I locked the door and sighed in relief as I set the milk in the fridge. I looked for Mack and saw that she had gone to bed. I looked into the living room and saw a shadow. I looked back at the door and then my head snapped over to the shadow that was running down the hall towards Max and Marie's room.

"Mariah!" I heard Marie's cry and I ran into her room tackling the shadow to the ground. I punched the person in the face as hard as I could never stopping. I felt the anger towards this person infuriate me because they targeted my baby siblings.

"Mariah! Are you okay?" I looked behind me and saw Mack and another shadow.

"Mack run by Marie!" I yelled and she nodded running just in time. I ran over to Max lifting him up as Mack held the scared Marie. I watched as the person on the floor slowly stood up and crawled over to the window where they crawled out.

"Mariah, I'm scared." Mack whispered and I nodded.

"Grab your valuables and memories and meet me in the kitchen." I said and Mack nodded as she ran to her room. I put all of Max and Marie's toys in a bag along with their clothes as I walked into the kitchen where Mack was with a bag of my stuff along with hers.

"What's wrong?" Max asked and I hushed him as I opened the door and walked out of the house with Mack and Marie following. Mack had thrown some food in along with our stuff.

"We are gonna go stay somewhere else for the night." I said not knowing where to go.

"Like a vacation." Marie said and I nodded sadly as I smiled fakely.

"Yes, a vacation." I said and Mack just hushed Marie as we walked down the street.

"Mariah! Is that you?" I looked up to see out neighbor, Jean.

"Yes, Jean it's us, all of us." I said sadly.

"Here, come and stay the night here." she said and smiled sadly at me. Jean was an older lady, in her late 70s, but was very nice. She has snow white hair and deep brown eyes. She always is helping out when we need help, seeing that she has tons of money.

"Thank you, Jean." I smiled as we walked up the steps and into her house. Mack set Marie down and Jean led us to the spare room she had. The spare room was plain white and had two large beds. Marie and Max ran over to the bed closest to the wall and the jumped into the sheets curling up to sleep. I smiled at them and Jean left us to be alone.

I walked over to the other bed and laid down on one side as Mack laid down on the other side. This isn't the first time people have tried to take us. This has happened multiple times. It's all because of our mom and dad. They are the reason people are out to get us. See, my parents were both involved in gangs, rivaling gangs to be exact. When they got married they broke some code and left the gang. They are also very rich and realized that they didn't want anymore kids and just left us. After setting the house on fire. The house that we lived in now is an old burned down house. I don't know how they can just leave us to fend for ourselves with nothing seeing that it all burnt down in the fire. I let out a sigh as I rolled onto my side and tried to fall asleep. But how could I fall asleep. How can i do it when people are out to get me? Like this.

Close my eyes.

Dream about going to prom.

And there, you are out in a peaceful sleep.

Because when you want something so much it tires you.

That's how I go to sleep.

Thinking about the one thing I want more than anything.



I woke up and stretched my back. I looked ahead of me and saw Max sleeping curled up in Marie's arms. I smiled at the sight and looked over at Mack. She was so pretty, she has long brown hair that is slightly curled. I looked over at Marie and smiled thinking of how pretty she was too. She has short dark brown curls and bright blue eyes like Mack. Then there is little Max. I smiled to myself as I thought about his short spiked up brown hair and dark blue eyes. I then thought about myself. I mean with my light brown hair and brown eyes, I'm pretty average.

"Mariah, are you up?" I looked over to Marie and saw her looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm up. What's wrong?" I asked and she ran over to me.

"I need to go to the doctor. It hurts to breathe." she said and I lifted Marie up holding her in my arms.

"Okay, I'll take you right now." I said and brushed her hair out of her eyes. I walked down the hall and saw Jean drinking coffee on the table. "Jean, can I use your car? I need to take Marie to the doctor."

"Of course!" Jean exclaimed and I took her keys and walked outside with Marie in my arms as she breathed heavily. I got in the car setting her in the back as I pulled out and drove quickly to the doctor's office.

We arrived at the doctor's office and I carried Marie inside as we walked over to the emergency 24-Hour care center.

"Hi, my little sister is saying that when she breathes it hurts her." I told the nurse who looked down at Marie and motioned for us to follow her.


I walked out of the doctor's office as Marie clutched onto me. The nurse had said that it was just a cold that Marie had and she prescribed her medicine. I opened the door and set Marie down in the seat. I closed the door and was slammed against the car. I kicked my leg out getting out of the attackers grip and trying to get into the car. I got in and so did one of the attackers. They were in the passengers seat with Marie in their arms. They smiled sickly sweet at me and I stared down at the terrified Marie.

"Let her go." I growled and he smirked shaking his head.

"No." he said and the door was opened and i was grabbed from behind as they dragged me to a black van, wow classic. I watched as Marie was carried and shoved in next to me. They tied my hands tightly behind my back and did the same with Marie.

I sat in the back angry and Marie sat next to me obviously scared. I counted all of the people in the car and counted five of them. All male. I glared at the back of their heads and Marie pressed into me.

"Hey, is the little ones name Marie?" one of them asked and I just glared at him.

"Go die." I growled and he put his hand over his heart.

"Ouch, that hurt." he said and frowned.

"I will kill you with my teeth." I growled and he jumped over the back seats and stood in front of me.

"Do it." he smirked and I smiled at him.

"If you insist." I smiled and I dug my teeth into his arm.

"Hey!" he yelled and pulled his arm back. "Don't bite me!"

"You wanted me to kill you with my teeth." I said innocently and I smirked.

"You better watch it." he growled at me.

"Or what? You'll kill me? Do it. I would gladly let you." I said angrily at him. He just stared at me as I glared back at him.

"Separate her from the little one." he growled and I watched as Marie's eyes widened as she tried to back away from the boy who was trying to grab her.

"Don't you dare hurt her." I growled and I watched as the one boy that I bit held Marie against his chest and lifted her over the seat.

"Mariah!" Marie cried and I watched her pull against the boy who held her still. "Please, Mariah!" she sobbed.

"Please don't hurt her." I begged and I could feel myself becoming weaker against the boys as they took Marie away from me.

"Trust me," one of the boys smirked and he looked me up and down, "we won't hurt her. We want you."


I opened my eyes and saw that I was alone in a bland room on an old mattress that was probably infested with something. My hands were still tied behind my back and the rope was hurting me. I heard faint crying coming from a room over and I instantly knew it was Marie crying where she was most likely locked up.

"Marie!" I yelled and I stood up running to the door that was like a prison cell door. I tried to listen for Marie and I heard other crying coming from other rooms. I looked down the hall and saw one of the boys walking towards the room next to me.

My eyes widened and I instantly felt my blood run cold.

"Marie." I whimpered.


Marie's POV

I watched as he walked in and locked the door. I backed against the cold wall and he bent down looking at me.

"How old are you, Marie?" he asked gently and I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"I just turned 7 a month ago." I said and he nodded smiling slightly at me.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked and pulled a knife out of his back pocket. I gasped and my eyes widened as I let out a low whimper. "Shh, it's okay." he soothed and turned me around cutting my wrists free of the rope.

"My favorite color is pink." I said and I rubbed my wrists that were red.

"That's a pretty color." he commented and grabbed my wrists in his hands as he pressed a cool cloth to them. "What about your favorite food?" he asked.

"Spaghetti. That's all we can eat sometimes when Mariah can't find food. Sometimes she doesn't eat or goes to this place where they give her free food for Max and Mack. Max is my little brother." I smiled and he looked at me surprised.

"That's my favorite food, too." he said and smiled slightly switching the cloth to my other wrist.

"What's your name?" I asked curious.

"My name's Beau." he said and smiled at me.

"That's a cool name." I said and he chuckled slightly at me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Marie, okay?" Beau said and I nodded already trusting him.

"I trust you." I said and he smiled at me.

"Just don't trust everybody here." he said and stood up stretching his back.

"Okay." I said and the he walked outside and grabbed something off of the floor and turned around.

"Here." he said and tossed me a blanket. "It can get cold at night." he smiled and I wrapped the blanket around me as he closed and locked the door.

I smiled and laid my head down on the pillow that they gave me. The mattress was old and broken but at least it was something.

"Hey, what's your name." I looked up and saw one of the boys leaning against the wall above me as he looked down at me. He had many tattoos and an eyebrow piercing making me shudder.

"Marie." I said and he bent down looking me in the eye. His gaze was cold and he honestly intimidated me.

"Listen, Marie, you listen to us because we are in charge, okay?" he growled and I nodded fiercely.

"Hey! Leave her alone. She's only like 5." I looked up and saw a a boy that had a cheek piercing. I swallowed slowly as he stalked over to me. "Come on, Jai go pick on somebody else."

"Whatever, James." Jai growled and walked away leaving me with James alone.

"Did he hurt you?" James asked and I shook my head. He just nodded leaving me alone locked in the cold dark room.

I curled into the blanket crying as I laid down and fell asleep.


Mariah's POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I stretched my back hearing it crack as I sat up and glared at the metal door in front of me.

"You are a bitch you know that?" I growled at the door and just stared at it.

"Mariah?" I pressed my ear against the wall.

"Yes, Marie." I asked worried.

"I puked in the corner. There's some in my h-" I listened to Marie throwing up in the room next to me and I just sighed.

"It's okay, Marie. Think of Mack sitting next to y-"

"I want you! Not Mack!" I heard Marie yell and I sighed.

Such a loud 7 year old.

I bit my lip and waited for one of the boys to go see Marie and her friend of puke.

"Mariah, I'm gonna puke again." Marie whined.

"Oh my goodness. Just aim for a spot and go." I said and shook my head as we yelled through the walls.

"Will you t-HOLY CRAP! HOW CAN YOU PUKE SO MUCH?!?! YOU ARE SO TINY!!" I could hear Marie's sobs and I sighed hoping she was okay.


Marie's POV

I started to cry and Jai just stared at me.

"You aren't going to puke on me are you?" Jai asked and I shook my head fiercely causing more puke to come out of my mouth.

"Sorry!" I cried and Jai just looked at me strangely.

"It's ok." he said gently and I noticed that his eyebrow piercing wasn't in but he had a double lip piercing and his hair was slightly blonde on the front.

"Jai?" I asked confused before throwing up onto the floor in front of me.

"I'm Luke, his twin." he said and it all started to make sense as Luke helped me out the door. I puked at the doorway making Luke jump out of the way.

"Sorry." I whimpered and Luke just hushed me as we walked down the hallway.

We finally reached a large bathroom and Luke pushed me in closing the door. I ran to the toilet and opened the lid puking into the toilet.

"You have so much puke in your body." Luke muttered and rubbed my back gently.

"I haven't eaten in almost two days." I said looking up at Luke before puking again.

"Stay here, I'll be back." Luke said and he ran out of the bathroom leaving me to puke alone in the bathroom. I continued to puke my back arching each time.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" I looked up to see James staring at me confused.

"Yeah, I'm fi-" I started to puke into the toilet again and he walked over to me holding my short hair out of my face.

"You don't look okay." he commented. I let out a defeated sigh as I sat breathing heavily over the toilet.

"Hey, Marie, are you any better?" I looked up to see Luke looking down at me. I shook my head and puked once more into the toilet.

"What if we give her some of those pills." James said and Luke looked up at him.

"We would have to watch her." Luke said and James shrugged.

"I'll go look in my room." James said and left with Luke behind him leaving me alone. 

I turned to the toilet and started puking again. I continued to puke and I leaned against the toilet for support. I was so tired and my eyes were slowly starting to close. My eyes quickly opened as I turned to the toilet puking again. I wiped my tears away and shakily stood up. I tried walking to the door but I had to sit back down in the middle of the floor. I pulled myself over to the toilet and puked into the toilet. I imagined Max sitting next to me with his trains making me feel better but instead there was nothing and nobody next to me. I groaned and puked in the toilet again not stopping.

"This is why I don't take showers down here." I turned to see Jai glaring at me. I turned back to the toilet and puked again.

"Sorry." I apologized and Jai just narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why are you puking?" he demanded.

"I don't know. I think it's a reaction to the pasta Mariah made. I think it was from a few years ago." I said and scrunched my eyebrows trying to think.

"Why would you eat old pasta?" Jai growled at me as if I was stupid.

"We were all hungry and there wasn't anything else to eat." I said.

"Sure." Jai growled and stood up turning his back from me. "By the way, if you can find my room then there's pills in the top drawer. If you can find them and my room without getting caught you can have the pills that will help you. If not, then I guess you get in trouble for snooping and lose all of the boys trust." He walked out of the bathroom and I just sat there puking into the toilet again.

I'm not risking it.

For Mariah's sake.

I won't do it.


A/N: new story because I wanted Hope you like it! More to come soon and that's it! Thanks for reading! (I promise it gets better now that I look back at this...) Video to the side is the trailer(:






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