Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Planning Strategy

Apophis laughed at Harry's embarrassment.

Well, in my case, queen, but yes, essentially. My kind are known as the Kings of Serpents.

I was told I must to find you.

I am sure. You are very special; I have not met one of your kind in centuries. The last Sacred One was the one who brought me here.

Salazar Slytherin?

Yes. He was a great man.

When I was learning Parseltongue, the snakes who helped me said two things that confused me.

Which are?

They said I have an unusual aura, and that I must find a worthy familiar. Do you know anything about unusual auras?

I do. What color is yours?

I don't know. Um, maybe if I chant again it will reappear. Harry once again chanted the words he had been told in the garden, and once again, he glowed gold. Apophis bowed before him.

You are indeed a powerful wizard. Your aura is gold, which means you are the most powerful Sacred One to ever walk the Earth. Never before has a Sacred One had a golden aura. I must teach you the Old Language, as there are spells and magicks associated with it that no one else knows. It is also my honor to provide you access to the library of information the previous Sacred One left in my protection.

I'll have to come back for that, I need to get my friends out of the Chamber.

Very well. I will await your return.

Lord Bedume mentioned that if you were bonded to someone, then you would no longer be susceptible to the Imperius Curse. Is that correct?

Yes, Sacred One.

And, in bonding, that means you become that person's familiar, correct?


Can you, will with me?

You honor me, Sacred One. I will most certainly bond with you.

Can I have two familiars?

I do not understand.

I already have a phoenix familiar.

You must be very pure of heart and soul for one to bond with you. You are very amazing, Sacred One. A golden aura, a phoenix familiar, the power of the Sacred One, and soon, the holder of all of the Ancient Knowledge. I am most honored. Now, come close so I may bond with you.

Will this hurt?

Some. I am sorry; I cannot prevent the pain.

It's alright. It's not your fault. Harry walked up to Apophis and held out his arm. Apophis bit him gently, but still he felt a searing pain run through him. As the bonding took place, a bright golden glow emanated from Harry and lit up the room. Draco opened his eyes and was amazed by the sight before him.

"Blimey, Harry. This is incredible." When the bonding was done, Harry collapsed. "Harry!"

"It's ok, Draco. I'm alright, that was just...really draining. Are the girls awake?"

"No, Harry. They're alive, but not awake."

Apophis, do you know of any way to awaken our friends?

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