Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Muggle Outing

They decided to go that Saturday, and the week passed quickly despite Harry's worry that it would take forever. He was surprised by the amount of preparation necessary. All but Harry and Draco needed to purchase appropriate muggle clothing. Harry went along to make sure they bought casual clothing, as opposed to the formal clothing they were accustomed to. It took him quite a while to convince Narcissa that she shouldn't wear an evening gown to the cinema. While they were out, Harry bought a newspaper to find out which movies were playing.

When they all returned to Malfoy Manor, Harry dug out the Entertainment section as he had seen Vernon Dursley do many times before. Together, Harry and Draco looked over which movies were playing. They settled on Batman Returns.

On Saturday, Harry woke early, extremely excited about the planed events for the day. He had even managed to convince the adults to try a muggle restaurant for breakfast.

Harry could tell that his aunt and uncle were uncomfortable in their casual muggle attire. He knew Aunt Cissy wasn't used to showing so much skin. She was wearing a dark green, knee-length sundress with a light-weight, elbow-length sweater over it. She had curled her long blonde hair. Harry thought she looked nice, but was worried he would embarrass her by saying so. His uncle looked good as well. Harry figured he was more bothered by the colors than the clothes themselves. Uncle Luke always wore black and dark grey with green. Today he wore a beige sweater with a pair of khaki pants. Harry's parents seemed marginally more comfortable with their attire, and Draco seemed to have no problem with muggle attire at all.

After they were all dressed, they Apparated to London for breakfast at a muggle pub. Bella added their names to the waiting list as Harry had told her to do the day before. Narcissa, who was used to the Malfoy name ensuring top service, was confused.

"But sister, why must we wait?"

Harry was the one to answer. "At places like these, it's first come, first served, Aunt Cissy. Mum, how long is the wait?"

"Only five minutes, dear."

"Well, that's not bad at all. Aunt Cissy, I've heard of people waiting for half an hour or more." Harry didn't mention that those people were the Dursleys.

"How odd. Well, I do hope they have good service, seeing as we have to wait just for a table." Before Harry came up with anything to say to that, their name was called and they were led to a booth in the back.

"Is this an acceptable table for you?"

Harry noticed the bothered look on his aunt's face and spoke up. "This is great, thanks!" The hostess smiled at him and passed out menus as they sat.

"Your waitress will be with you shortly." The hostess turned and walked away. As soon as she was out of hearing range, Lucius turned to his nephew.

"Harry, I'm confused. How do we order now that she's left? I can't imagine that we order directly from our menu in a muggle restaurant, and there don't seem to be any house elves."

"You have to wait for our waitress, like the hostess said."

"Our what?" Before Harry could answer, a pretty young woman appeared, answering Lucius' question.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea. I'll be your waitress this morning. Can I start you with some coffee, tea, or juice?" Seeing the bewildered looks on his family's faces, Harry ordered first.

"I'd like an orange juice, please." Following Harry's example, Draco ordered some tea. Understanding the procedure, the adults ordered as well.

"Ok, I'll be back in a moment with your drinks."

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