Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: The Dueling Club

The next morning, the Great Hall was buzzing with a rumor that there had been another attack. It was said it was a student this time. This rumor was confirmed by Dumbledore's announcement before breakfast ended.

"As many of you may know, there was another attack. Gryffindor first year, Colin Creevey, was petrified last night. It is unclear exactly why he was out of bed, although we suspect..." Harry tuned him out and secretly rejoiced. He wouldn't have to deal with that brat now. He felt the tiniest twinge of guilt, but pushed it out of his mind, remembering that the twit would be fine once the Mandrake potion was made.

Throughout the day, Harry noticed that the first years were moving in groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone. Harry and his friends decided to start the Veritaserum that weekend. They had noticed the roaring trade in talismans and protective devices, and felt that they should do what they could before the whole school panicked. They even saw Neville buying multiple items. Taking pity on the easily influenced boy, Harry spoke up.

"Neville, you're a pure-blood, whoever it is is unlikely to attack you."

Neville looked at him fearfully before responding. "They went for Filch first, and everyone knows I'm almost a squib." Harry sighed.

"Suit yourself. Just realize that none of those things will actually work." Harry left a visibly paler Neville alone in the hallway.

As planned, they started the Veritaserum that weekend. It was due to be finished the day before they returned home for Christmas holidays. They helped themselves to the ingredients in the student cupboard. They decided to make it in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, as there was the least chance of someone finding them there.

In the second week of December Professor Snape came around as usual, collecting names of those who would be staying at school for Christmas. Not one of them signed the list, although they had heard from Ginny that all of the Weasleys were staying, which struck them as rather odd. They were also almost finished with their potion. They day before they needed to add the doxy eggs, Draco called for his house elf.


Almost instantaneously, Dobby appeared before them. "Master Draco called Dobby, sir?"

"Yes, Dobby, We need you to get a few things for us, and don't let anyone know. Can you please do that?"

Dobby nodded and bowed. "Yes, Master Draco, of course Dobby can be doing that."

"Great. We'll need four Doxy eggs and one lionfish spine. Here's fifty Galleons. That should be plenty. If not, let me know, and please keep any change leftover."

Dobby's ears drooped. "Dobby cannot be keeping Master Draco's money."

"It's an order, Dobby. You will keep any leftover money, and you will not punish yourself because of it." Dobby nodded slowly. "I'm sure you can come up with something good to use the money for."

Dobby smiled tentatively. "Master Draco is being too good to Dobby. Dobby is thanking Master Draco very much."

Draco smiled. "You're welcome, Dobby."

"Dobby will be having your items by tomorrow, Master Draco."

"That will be perfect, Dobby. Thanks." Dobby left with a loud crack, and Harry, Luna, Draco, and Hermione carefully left the bathroom to head to class.

"You know, I miss Vince and Greg spending time with us," said Draco.

"I know," said Harry, "but they've been spending all of their time with Pansy and Millicent, and you can't blame them for that." They all laughed, and Draco gave Hermione a quick one-armed hug making her blush. Harry turned to Luna and smiled at her. The friends split up at the staircase, as Harry walked Luna to class. At the door, she stopped and gave him a quick smile.

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