Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Another Weasley Interlude

Ginny reluctantly followed Dumbledore up the stairs. She knew she was in major trouble. Dumbledore kept quiet until they had actually entered his office, at which point he turned to Ginny with a grave face.

"Miss Weasley, you disappoint me. You have not made any regular reports on your progress, and, from my observation of your interactions with Mr. Potter today, it is obvious you have made none."

"I'm sorry, Professor Dumbledore. He's stuck on Loony Lovegood. I can't get him to look past her. Just when I think I have his attention, he brings her up again. I was so sure I could change his mind. Do you think it's because we're so young?"

"What a stupid thing to say, Miss Weasley. If he's old enough to like Miss Lovegood, he is most certainly old enough to like any girl."

"Oh, right."

"So, what is the next step in your plan, Miss Weasley? I'd so hate to have to report back to your parents on your failure." Ginny gulped and visibly paled.

"Um, well, it might be time to move on to a love potion. The one my mum taught me is special. There is no real antidote."

"What do you mean by real?"

"Well, no potion, or spell, can overcome it."

"You make it sound as though something can."

"Well, real love can, sir. But as long as I get it into Harry before he falls in love with anyone..." Dumbledore cut her off.

"FOOLISH GIRL! Don't you think he already loves Miss Lovegood in his own way?"

"I don't think so. But even if he does, I can try this one first, then if it doesn't work, I can try a regular love potion."

"That will take time Miss Weasley."

"With all due respect, sir, what difference does it make if it's in a month or two months as long as he falls for me in the end?" Dumbledore had lost his patience.

"Silencio! Crucio!" He watched, dispassionately, as Ginny writhed in open-mouthed silence. He knew she was screaming at the top of her lungs, or would be if he hadn't silenced her. After about thirty seconds, he let her out of the curse and enabled her to speak again. She was gasping for breath.

"Now, Miss Weasley, you must realize that Mr. Potter's attachment to Miss Lovegood grows each and every day. The longer you take, the more likely he is to notice that someone has tampered with his emotions. How long do you think it will take that Mudblood Granger to figure out it was you? Now, this special love potion your mother told you about. Is it fast acting, or slow acting?"

"It's fast acting, sir, but it doesn't induce a violent love like some of the other potions do. It simply makes the person "realize" that they are in love."

"And how long does it take to make?"

"Three weeks. It will be ready before the Christmas holidays start."

"Good. I will have a private brewing area created for you tonight. You will receive an owl at breakfast with the details. You had best not disappoint me again. Your brother failed in his mission, I had hoped you would be different." Ginny bowed her head.

"I'm sorry, sir. I will try harder."

"Yes, you'd better. Go down to dinner."

"Yes, sir." Ginny left quickly, not wanting to be stopped for anything else.

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