Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Revel in Fear

The next morning, Harry dug out his two-way mirror and called his mother. He'd been keeping up with their weekly calls, and his father often joined in. However, today he was calling with a specific question.

"Harry, dearest, how are you?"

"I'm great, mum. But I have a question for father."

"What's wrong, son?" asked Tom, appearing behind Bella.

"Oh, nothing's wrong, I just had a question about Parseltongue."

"Oh, well, what would you like to know?"

"Is it possible to speak Parseltongue to a human who does not speak it?"

"What do you mean, son?"

"I was trying to say something in Parseltongue to Luna last night. My friends are curious to know if they hear certain words or phrases often enough if they will be able to understand them. But when I tried to say something, it came out in plain English."

"Oh. Well, yes, it is possible, but I don't believe they'll ever understand. It is worth a try, however. But where did this sudden interest come from?" Harry explained the previous day's events to his father, whose expression darkened as the story continued.

"Is there something wrong, father?"

"It's nothing you did, Harry. I'm merely bothered that Severus would do something to so deliberately expose you to the enmity of the school."

Harry shrugged. "If they're too stupid to think for themselves, then I don't care what they think. Let them think I'm a dark wizard, I don't care."

"I'm proud of you, Harry. I'm happy to see that you are so confident in yourself. However, despite what I am sure were good intentions, he should have kept it less public." Harry, unsure exactly what his father was getting at, moved on to other topics.

"How can I practice to be able to speak to them in Parseltongue?"

"Speak with snakes first. Go outside, sit down in a shaded area, and close your eyes. Pretend there is a snake in front of you and call for them all to come to you. You should have at least a couple answer your call. Explain to them what you are trying to do, and they will help you."

"Is that how you practiced, father?"

"Yes, it is. Now, Lucius has told me of Draco's conversations with him. I had meant to speak of it sooner, but didn't really have a chance. With you bringing up Parseltongue, I thought it was a perfect time. Now, why have you not told us about the Chamber of Secrets and the attacks on the school?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. I guess it just never came up. Why do you ask father? Do you know something of the Chamber?"

Tom shook his head. "No, son. However, if such a chamber truly existed, you have a right to it as the heir of Slytherin." Harry's eyes popped wide.

"I'm the heir of Slytherin? But I would have thought that would fall to you as the eldest living male in the line."

"No, Harry, you see, as eldest descendant, I am Lord Slytherin, and you are my heir. That makes you the Heir of Slytherin." He turned to his wife. "Bella, how is he unaware of his lineage?"

"It never occurred to me to explain it to him. It's easy to forget that he is not aware of everything he should be. It will take years to fill in all of the gaps that should have been filled in as he grew up." Tom nodded, conceding this point. Harry heard a voice off to the side, but couldn't quite make out what was being said. Bella and Tom both nodded eagerly.

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