Blue With White Stars-- Twenty-Four

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_•Last chapter•_

Out of surprise, the Russian pushed the nation off of him and immediately threatened to strike the Brit, not controlling his actions. "Hold up! Don't freak out, just clam down." England pleaded, gripping Russia's wrist tightly to hold it from punching him.

Just looking at the British nation made him want to thrash out after all the past treatment that he went through. Russia glared, still backed up against the wall.

"I know, I'm he last person you want to see and honestly, I don't care." The Brit crossed his arms as the tension grew between them like a balloon ready to pop.

"Listen England . . . I'm done fighting, it caused plenty of permanent scars that I didn't ask for." Russia rolled his eyes to the side, recalling his recent moments with the British nation.

"I'm glad you implied that, but I'm not here to fight, I'm here to do something simple." That got the Russians attention quickly, both nations giving their full focus.

Russia waited for the Brits mouth to start moving, hearing either a fake apology or something that linked to America in some kind of way. Whatever it was, the Russian nation was ready to hear it.

"Bad or good topic first?" England asked, stopping in his thoughts.

"Bad topic first, let's just get it over with." The Russian answered, his voice sounding more deep in tone.

"I've been talking to the EU lately, and I confirmed my decision to cut off our relations since I simply hate you with all
my heart, which there's nothing that you can do change that." He began, grinning at his choice of words.

". . . I'm used to that type of hatred." Russia replied, receiving a groan from the Brit.

"There's still a good topic."

"Go ahead, I'm sure it's the same as the other insults you've said before."

England sighed deeply and opened his mouth to speak. "Don't take this seriously but I hate everything about you, that's why it's a good topic, I'm sure you'll understand once you recall our recent past."

The Russian nation tilted his head slightly, "I take it this is some sort of British apology, da?"

"Perhaps it is, I'm not answering that." The Brit smirked, holding out the Russian nations statistics papers he lost from earlier, slipping an extra paper into the middle of the stack.

Russia took the papers and the Brit turned to his right, beginning to walk away. "England, wait!"

Stopping in his tracks, England turned his head towards the nation, expecting something either filled with anger or disparity.

"I hate you too." Russia said, leaving no expression along with it.

England took a moment to remember his words from before, smiling back at the nation with slight enthusiasm. Russia did the same as the Brit, turning the opposite direction and walking away out of the dark hallway with his papers.

"Oh! There you are, I've been looking for quite some time to see where you were." Russia heard his American ally shout out to him, walking towards the Russian nation.

"Wow, you found the papers, that's good." America said, grabbing the Russians hand and dragging him through the hallways and back to the meeting room, continuing on with the meeting.

Russia sat down in his spot next to the American nation, stacking the papers on the table. Germany ignored the two nations return and announced the other political discussions that Berlin left for the meeting.

Flipping through each paper, Russia stumbled upon a smaller slip of paper that had a different meaning to it then the discussions of the meeting. He scanned through it carefully, immediately recognizing the bold words "diplomatic" Agreement Relationship.

Both America and Russia's name were under the printed directions sign here. To Russia's understanding, it was a diplomatic agreement, which somehow got into his statistics reports.

The day it's supposed to be signed, July 4th. The year, 1998. It was due in 2 years.

Russia was puzzled and flustered, finding it hard to understand how an agreement between him and America was even made in the first place, unless however . . . Someone intended for this to happen.

"Hey, what's that?" America asked from beside Russia, trying to catch a glimpse of the paper. The Russian hid it away under his statistics, "Nothing, I accidentally printed an extra paper that I don't need."

"Oh, accidents happen." The American resumed the meeting, not noticing the pure scarlet red blush on the Russians face, lasting the whole meeting.


"If I could have anything in this world, it would be a warm heart." Russia shared with the American next to him as they laid next to each other on the bland green grass.

"You have one in my view." America mumbled, blushing at his own words. The Russian chuckled and turned his head to meet the Americans blue sapphire blue eyes, seeing the white sparkle flash at him. "I sense your flirting with me." Russia teased, ignoring the fact that America had rolled over on top of him and held his wrists lightly against the grass.

"What? I can't flirt with the one I love?" America responded, a smile plastered on his face. Russia was surprised not only by the fact that America had pinned him lightly against the ground, but how his heart beat raced through his chest.

He didn't notice that his face was warming up and a scarlet red blush was exposed on his cheeks. America grinned lightly at how flustered the Russian was and how loud his heart beat was. "See, you have heart Russia.... And it's most definitely warm considering how hot your cheeks are." He stared down at the some what taller nation below him.

America leaned down and softly placed his lips on Russia's, feeling the warmth of the Russians face reflect off of him. To Russia's response, his blush simply faded and he continued on with the tender kiss. America lightly released Russia's wrists and lightly kissed the nation below him once more. The warmth between them felt like a western summer day, it was almost like the cold winter air didn't even exist anymore.

To America's disappointment, Russia broke off the kiss for a whiff of air. "You seem to really enjoy surprising me with kisses, da?" The Russian asked, earning a smirk from America.

"Admit it, you liked it." America laughed at his Russian ally still rested below him. Their eyes locked, both sharing the same thought; who knew a heart of sympathy could fix such a broken soul? Especially one with a heart of pure ice and cold, yet a heart of serene emotions and filled with the most powerful aura, sorrow.

Russia chuckled at the Americans words, "Your so bad America."

The American just smirked and pulled the Russian into a warm, loving embrace.

  "The baddest of them all."


The reason why I re-wrote the last chapter was because I wasn't pleased on how I implied the ending and I wasn't satisfied with it at all. So I hope this ending at least makes up for that mistake.

Anyways, feel free to comment your thoughts on the story and if you'd like, share it with your America x Russia fangirls. I appreciate you all for reading this story.

---Carousel Palace---

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