Blue With White Stars-- Eighteen

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America closes his book and puts it to the side, letting out a loud yawn. He forces himself off the couch and stumbles through the library while stretching out his arms. All that unnecessary studying really did a number on his energy, considering its been a few hours since he took his focus off of reading for once in his life.

The Americans eyes widen at the sight of tears drops going down Russia's cheek in the sitting room. Truth is, he has never seen Russia cry before in plain sight, especially when he was around. He approaches the Russian and the nation immediately wipes his tears away as if he wasn't crying.

"Sorry, I was just.... Thinking of stuff." Russia apologized to the American nation as he rubbed his eyes of the last few remaining tears that were about to stream down his cheek. America was shocked to see the same misty aura from the past  behind the Russian, it was never fully gone. "No need to explain Russia, the cause is right behind you." The American says in a serene way, completely understanding of the situation.

Russia sighs and pushes some of his hair away from his eyes, "Da... The aura is yet again back." America inspects the aura closely, seeing a few flash backs and hearing a constant circle of nasty words from it. This made the American feel dumbfounded that this was the aura, the mist that pesters and torments his Russian ally.

With his sympathetic heart, he smiles at the Russian and earns a confused expression from him. "I know what'll cheer you up." America grins cheerfully as he holds out his arms in a way that makes him look like he's about to hug someone. Russia, who's blushing a scarlet red, lightly hugs the American. The hug quickly turned into a bear hug as American tightens his grip around Russia.

Russia's heart beat began to speed up as his face warmed up more than rooms temperature. He felt the aura weaken enough for him to feel like an actual nation and like an actual person. America loosens his grip and pulls apart, breaking the warmth between them.

His smile was bright and cheerful, it was first time Russia ever felt like he was alive just from looking at America's beautiful smile. The white star in America's sapphire blue eyes shined brighter than any type of firework, even in the light of day; it was clearly visible to the naked eye.

"I told you I knew what would cheer you up, didn't I?" America himself had a faint red blush on his cheeks, though it wasn't as visible as Russia's. The Americans blue eyes stare into Russia's violet ones and their gaze locks, making it feel like a whole century has already passed.

"America, enough eye locking with Russia, it's time for our walk." England interrupts the moment, shooting the most viscous yet menacing glare at the Russian next to America. It made him uncomfortable to see the envy in the Brits eyes; not like it was the first time he has seen this type of glare.

"Oh, sorry England." The American nation apologizes, showing a face of both pity and annoyance. A light bulb goes off in his head, "Can we have Russia tag along?" He suggests to his British ally, earning an immediate "No" from him.

England sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, "You need to stop dragging the poor Russian everywhere you go, maybe you should give him a break and leave him by himself, right Russia?" The Brit looks at Russia, making it obvious that he wants him to agree.

Russia faces America and weakly nods in a fake agreement with Britain, causing the American to slightly gasp at the Russians answer. He thought that inviting Russia with him all the time would help him and make him feel apart of the allies like he always was.

America frowns deeply from thinking of how Russia probably didn't appreciate his sympathy. "I'll wait outside.... bye Russia." The American says with bitterness as he walks away and goes out the front door.

Once the American was out of sight, England grips Russia's scarf and pulls him down to his eye level. "I don't want you coming with us anymore. Besides, you always cause problems, it's better for you to stay here then be out there with that horrid aura attached to your back." He demands while his grip on the scarf tightens, nearly choking the Russians neck.

Russia tries to loosen the scarf around his neck and England roughly tightens the grip even more. A gag escapes the Russians mouth and the Brit let's go, feeling as though he has done enough with the Russian.

"Good bye Russia, I'll see you tonight." England says before walking off and frowning at his actions. Although he was practically hurting Russia in harsh ways, he still felt pity on himself for the actions, knowing the marks would cause a deep depression in Russia's heart.

Britain shakes the thought off and leaves the house to join America, knowing that Russia would never fall into depression since he's already frozen in his own sorrow.

Russia runs up the stairs and into the bathroom at the end of the hallway. The mirror showed a clear crimson mark that covered the other one from earlier that day. It blended in with the other cuts and scars on his neck, but this one was more visible and most definitely permanent.

He opens the cabinet next to the mirror and pulls out a skin lotion, hoping to relief some of the soreness from his neck. Russia removes his scarf and lightly places it to the side of the sink, squeezing some of the lotion onto his finger and rubbing it against the crimson mark.

Is this seriously what a love triangle is? Does it include fights, scars... Permanent marks? This was asked before, but how much is Russia willing to sacrifice in order to experience the feeling of true happiness.... The true feeling of love.


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