Blue With White Stars-- Nineteen

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The front door to the house opens and Moscow enters with her bag over her shoulder. She drops her bag on the dining table and takes off her large coat, adjusting to the warm temperature of the house. The silence made everything a little bit off about the house, as though everyone who was staying at the house was gone.

She peeks in the sitting room and sees nothing but couches and a glass table with a few books. After searching a few more rooms, she heads upstairs and hears a faint prayer coming from the bedroom at the rear of the hallway next to the bathroom. She expected to see her brother or someone like even England if it wasn't the Russian nation.

Moscow tilts her head enough to be able to see inside the room, immediately noticing Russia sitting on the bed and holding his scarf tightly in his hand. "Are you ok? Your neck is really red, did something happen?" She questioned, interrupting the Russians thoughts and prayers.

He quickly covers his neck with the scarf and hides the red mark cautiously. "It was nothing serious, I was just trying to let out some thoughts on my past." Russia lied intentionally to the capital, making it seem like it was a past scar and not a new one.

"That's a lie Russia, I know someone did this to you." She didn't fall for his lies. Russia scratches the back of his head and faces away from her, "It was England."

Moscow didn't say anything but let out a long and irritated sigh. She tends to be the only one who notices the intentions of England whenever he and Russia are involved with each other. It's hard to say it to someone she cares for, but her plans changed to plan B, which demands that England leaves Moscow.

"I want England gone by tomorrow night, this has gone on too far." She commanded her brother, earning an immediate agreement from him. The front door downstairs opens and two nations enter the house, laughing and gossiping.

"Do you want to tell him or should I do it?" Moscow asked with a serene yet serious tone. Russia simply nods his head to the capital and she left the room, leaving him alone once more. Moscow passed by America and dragged his British ally away from him, making him puzzled and concerned. He went up the wooden stairs and went to the back room, looking for a clear answer on why Moscow decided to drag Britain away like that. Not to mention the anger and bitterness in her expression while gripping England's collar of the jacket he was wearing.

America closed the door to the room and Russia stared up at him, seeing a concerned face on him. "Do you mind explaining to me what's going on?" The Americans serious tone went through the room, causing unease to the Russian. "It's not your concern, Moscow just wants to tell England something important."

The American's patience was strained when Russia said that, knowing that he's trying to lie in order to get out of this. "If this really was nothing serious, then why do you have a red mark on your neck." He pointed out the clear fresh mark near the collar bone of Russia's neck. It looked like a crimson tinted cut or scarlet red scar caused by choking. Whatever it was, it matched with the other cuts and bruises on the Russians neck.

Russia only did what he was best at, which is staying silent and avoiding eye contact with his ally. "Yet you still don't answer me, did I do something wrong?" America's voice level increased, nearly echoing through the room. "No, why would you say there's some thing wrong with you specifically?" Russia questioned.

"Your the one who didn't want me to invite you earlier today, I just wanted you to tag along since I promised you that I'd get rid of the aura." America recalled, letting a frown slip onto his face. "Your not going to believe me if I say what happened, you love him all to well to pick the opposite belief." Russia changed out the topic for another conversation on purpose.

"This isn't about my relationships nor is it about yours, this is about our relations." America implied, putting all of his emphasis on the "Our" of his sentence. Russia's eyes stared at the ground and his cooperation slowly went away.

In a split second, America's hand was lightly placed on Russia's, making him flinch from not being aware of the Americans closer presence. "Just tell me what I did to make you not want to come with me on the walk, is my way of showing sympathy wrong?" He questioned, staring straight into the Russians eyes.

"I.... It's not you, it's just my.... Thoughts." Russia said silently, almost like a faint whisper in the wind. America sighs, "Is there anything I did to upset you, I thought you enjoyed the company."

Nothing but silence passed through the room, it was all silence. America placed his other hand on Russia's cheek and leaned in closely to other nations face, finally pressing his lips on Russia's. The once cold heart of Russia warmed up immediately as the American roughly kissed him.

America tilted his head slightly and kissed Russia again. The other nation stayed still in shock, feeling as though the aura was completely defeated. He closed his eyes lightly and kissed America back, making him surprised that he even kissed him back.

Russia's mind was flooded with thoughts, both negative and positive. America deepened the kiss and crawled on top of the Russian, feeling the burning warmth of Russia's face. The Russian simply kissed America again, trying to ignore the negativity of the thoughts as they tried to make his heart cold again.

The American switched the simple kiss into a passionate one, stopping once in a while to breathe. His mind said it was wrong, but his heart said it was right.

Russia lightly pushed America, breaking the moment and the kiss. "Y-your with England, we should.... Think about this." The American gasped, letting his mind take over even though he knew that he wanted this relationship. "I-I'm so sorry Russia.... I didn't mean to force you.... I-I'm sorry." He stuttered, crawling off of Russia and running to the door without hearing an answer from the Russian.

He knew he'd regret running away, but his mind took the better of him. It was all because he thought Russia didn't feel the same way towards him, even though the Russian cares for him just as much as he does.


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