From the mouth of babes

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"Harry." Minerva said to to the little boy, pointing at picture of the four Marauders "Who's that?"

She moved her finger across each marauder as Harry listed them (very cutely might she add).

"Moo-y." He said as she crossed Remus followed by James, Sirius and Peter. "Pron. Pa-foo."

Harry made a disgusted face at Peter's picture and said angerily "Pe-er!"

"Harry, why don't you like Peter?" Minerva asked, worried

"Da sai- ba- wor- bout- pe-er." Harry struggled to say "Cal him trai-or. an- git!"

"Why? Peter was you daddy's friend."

"Uh-uh!" Harry argued "Sec-et kee-er!"

"Sirius was your secret keeper."

"Pe-er!" Harry insisted "As- Pa-foo!"

Minerva sighed and grabbed her scarf. She sent a patronus to Madam Pompfrey, asking her to watch Harry for a while then appirated away.

"Guess I'm going to Azkaban." She thought

She reappeared on the rocky, dangerous shores of Azkaban and cast her very strong patronus. She demanded to see Sirius Black and her stern look made even the toughest auror quake. She slipped into the prison, ignoring shouts of hate and bigotry from the inmates, walking towards Sirius's cell.

"Sirius." She said softly

"Professor McGonnagall!" He whispered "You have to know I'd never betray my friends, never!"

"I know Sirius." She said softly "But I need to be sure, drink this."

She handed him a vial of clear potion.

"Vertiriseum?" He asked

She gave a nod "Just to be sure."

He drank it, grudgingly.

"Is your name Sirius Black?"


"Was your best friend James Potter."

"Yes and Remus Lupin."

"Were you the Potters' secret keeper?"

"For a short time, then I convinced them to switch to Peter Pettigrew."

"Did you kill Peter Pettigrew?"

"No, he's an animagus, He cut off his thumb and turned into a rat."

"Did you betray the Potters?"

"Yes. I convinced them to trust peter."

"Did you betray the Potters to Voldemort, Sirius."


"Mad-Eye!" Minerva called out
"This one giving you trouble professor?" The surly Auror grunted

"No." Minerva said, reloading Sirius with vertirisium "Sirius tell him every bit of the truth."

And so the three wizards sat in Azkaban, recounting the events that  had led to poor Harry Potter becoming an orphan.
"Harry knew." Minerva thought

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