Yuko's restaurant/bakery......mabob.

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"Order up, one strawberry shortcake with a strawberry shake is ready" I call to Mizumi a kind middle aged woman who works/helps me here.

I watch as she take it to Tetsuya, a farmer who comes here every week, I watch as he takes a bite and his expression goes into complete bliss like he went to cloud 9. I love watching people eat something I made and when they look so happy eating it, it just puts me on cloud 9. It makes staying late hours in the kitchen preparing for the next days food or slaving away trying to make a new recipe completely worth it. 

I honestly wouldn't have ever even decided to open this place up if it weren't for my little brother Naruto.

I know what you're most likely thinking 'Naruto! As in the the trouble maker?' but yes Naruto the trouble maker, he always complemented on how great my cooking and baking was he said whenever I sent food over to his class when they had class parties everyone loved my food. So it was because of him that I opened this place up it opened almost year ago and it still almost always crowded here, but it does make me happy I enjoy making people smile with something I did it make me all fuzzy inside.

"Isn't it time for you to be going soon you'll be late in picking up your brother Yuko-san." Mizumi tells me as I am putting the final touches to the snack I made for my brother.

"yes I'll be going soon I just need to finish Naruto's snack then I will be on my way." I tell her as I start to wrap up everything .

"I will be back later Mizumi-san" I tell her as I exit the shop.

"be safe" she tells me.


I make it a habit to go pick up Naruto from school whenever he is done and after I pick him up we go to our secret area and have the snacks that I prepared for us. We use that time to tell each other about our day and to simply relax in each others presence. 

I'm no idiot, I know how people treated my brother simply because of him having Kurama inside of him. For a period of time I despised this village and would have loved to see its ruin for all the pain they put my brother through even though it was thanks to him that they are all alive.

My opinion has slightly changed. Don't get me wrong I may be nice to everyone and think positively about people because I truly believe that everyone deserves a second chance, but watching people that are supposed to support my brother treat him like trash irritates me. My love for this village is because of my beloved brother its because he wants to protect this village no matter what. 

One day this village is going to realize that they have treated him wrongly one day my brother will be someone everyone looks up to I know it will happen it is his dream after all and his dream is my dream, I believe my brother will make a difference that is why I will love this village as he does.


Thanks for reading

It always irritated be on how in the beginning the village treats Naruto like crap then later on they start treating him like he is amazing. It makes me wonder if they realized they used to treat him like crap and then suddenly he is a hero? Are they not the ones who wanted him dead, so like what the hell. 

I also never got why Naruto wanted to protect his village after the way they treated him and why he needs to prove himself to people who wanted him dead before.

Doesn't it annoy you.

Oh well it could just be me. Well thanks for reading and sorry if it didn't make to much sense I will try my best to get this on track and update regularly. Although I have been getting one essay after another and now I have a physics project I will tell you this physics is evil.

Yuko, Naruto's Civilian Sister? (Old version/original)Where stories live. Discover now