The Unknown- Chapter 10

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Hey y'all! Hope y'all had a good weekend! If you haven't seen my other short story thing, it's called Whispering Wind and y'all should go read it! Anyways, I hope y'all like this chapter! I made it long for you guys, but it's not the most interesting! I like the next one! <3 Are y'all watching the game tonight? but here y'all go!



 My father and I searched all over the county before we returned home, tears seeping into my eyes and thoughts of hopelessness clouding my mind. As we drove back into the ranch, we spotted Brody's dark blue Chevy. Memories of our childhood flashed to mind; I knew exactly where he was. I barely waited for the truck to stop before I sprinted out and took off towards the forest. I was heading towards a special part our childhood memories, a pasture enclosed by trees. It was his place though, but I was happy because I was the only other person that knew about it.

  My feet pounded in the forest floor with a steady beat, unlike my thumping heart. When I found him I wasn't sure whether to be happy, or cross and scold him. In the dimming dusk, I often managed to find myself face to face with the ground. The roots of trees twisted and wove themselves over the rocky ground and ventured into the waving grasses bordering me to the small path.

  I silently thanked the hours Brody had dragged me through the forest all those years, trying to teach me trails and shortcuts as we played games. I was so happy I remembered them, or I would've been extremely lost. As I thanked Brody again, I tripped on a log and cursed under my breath. 

 Finally, I came across the open field, littered with high, complex trees and flowers in the garden that had no boundaries. I picked my way through the swaying grasses, peaceful but deceiving; tangles of roots lay beneath. I wandered through the field, peering into the foggy light in frantic search of my best friend. The grasses whispered sweet songs as I hummed my own tune.

 After going through the whole field, I retreated to the north-east side of the field where the garden was supposed to be contained. I was weary with worry and searching as I opened the gate with a squeal. I walked the perimeter of the enclosed garden, running my hands over the worn signs: rose, sage, lilac, rosemary, tulips. I sat by the tulips and buried my head into my hands and cried. I had lost my best friend, and for something that wasn't even my fault.

  "I should've brought my jacket." I whispered to myself, defending my arms from the goosebumps that began to prickle onto my body. "I shouldn't of let him leave." Tears slipped onto my cheeks. "Brody, where are you? I miss you," I repeated over and over, rocking myself from worry and for warmth.

 "Who is this girl that I am now? I was so strong, I was the farm-girl who hid her secrets and worries. I was a tomboy; not a girl who cried all the time. I cry, I'm weak. And I don't like it," I thought to myself. I leaned my back against the cold, hard metal fence as the wind picked up again.

 The wind moaned as it wound it's way through the old treehouse in the tree above me that Brody and I used to play in. "Wait, was that even the wind?" I jumped up and hurdled to the tall gate, astounding myself that I had just done that. I crouched and my eyes flicked suspiciously. I heard the moan again and pounced onto the ladder nailed to the trunk of the big tree. I climbed, hand over hand, foot over foot, and my eyes peeked over the wood. Somebody lay beaten and bruised, moaning in the corner of the treehouse. Their face was hidden by shadows, but I knew exactly who it was. I scampered from my place on the ladder over to him.

 "Oh my god, Brody." I cried over and over, running my hands over him.

 He rolled his shoulders and tried to sit up against my frantic gaze. I pushed him down with all my force and he yelped with pain and surprise.

 "Sorry!" I yelled, tears still falling down my face violently. Brody ran his bruised hand under my eyes wiping away the tears but they didn't stop. My eyes tore themselves over his battered body and my eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

 "I'm fine," he coughed, now lying in fear of my accidentally-rough touch.

 "Brody. You are far from fine. Do you see yourself? I'm not even sure there's one part of you that isn't bruised and torn up. I mean, do you NOT see yourself? I... I.. Just, ugh, okay. What the heck did you do?" I yelled at him as I got up and paced around the treehouse. I tugged my hands through the tangles in my hair and down my face. I stared at him as he looked around.

 "Hey, I forgot how much time we used to spend up here! Aren't you glad I taught you all those trails?" he said with a grin, his eyes wandering over the treehouse.

 "Brody." I gave him a hard stare, piercing him with my eyes. He dragged his mind and eyes back to me. He rolled his shoulders again and pulled himself up carefully and slowly, making sure I didn't attack him. I started over to him and he flinched, but I sat down on the soft wood and pulled him up. We sat, leaning up against the wall littered with Brody's and my drawings from a long time ago.

 "Out with it Brod."

 "Ah, okay." he coughed and started up again. "Okay."

 "You already said that." I laughed.

 "Do you WANT to know Annie?" I nodded and he continued. "So after I left the wedding and started heading to the ran-"

 "Why did you just leave me?! Like what the heck dude?" I noted and he replied with a hard glare, rubbing his jaw.



So yeah! Hope y'all liked it! Please comment, like, and fan as usual! Please help spread the word too! Love y'all! Have a good Monday! <3

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