Is this a Dream? - 3

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I hope this isn't a dream.



Khushi woke up from her deep slumber when she hit the cold hard ground. She got up and laid down on the bed again. It had been a long day, so many things happened simultaneously. She still couldn't believe she was here. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a yellow sticky note on the drawer near her bed.

"Khushi I know you are really tired after the long flight so I didn't want to wake you up. Nobody is at home right now because we had to visit the temple. Nani insisted on praying for you at the temple so we are headed down there. We'll be back in an hour or so. HP is home, so if you need anything ask him. Go eat something!"

She knows me so well.

Khushi rolled out of bed. Suddenly her stomach growled. Yup Di was right she should eat something. She quickly freshened up and wore a nice kurta and salwar as she usually does for night time.

"Hari Prakash ji?"

Khushi called out for HP a couple of times before she gave up and ran to the kitchen to satisfy her stomach.

Di said she should eat. But what?

She looked in the fridge and all around the kitchen, but she couldn't find anything. She wondered what she could make instantly to temporarily satisfy her hunger.


Khushi searched for the right ingredients. She found all of them except flour.

Where is it?

She looked around again and then finally found it on one of the shelves. She tried reaching for it, but she wasn't tall enough. "Hai Devi Maiyaa, why did you have to make me so short?"

I should use a stool.

She looked around for a stool and found one near the fridge.






Where is eveyone?

Arnav entered his house after a long day in the office and no one was at home. He was so hungry! He had forgotten to eat lunch today because he was so busy and now he comes to an empty home. Arnav heard some shuffling noises in the kitchen.


He walked into the kitchen to find a girl standing on a stool reaching for a container on one of the highest shelves.

"What the..?"

Khushi didn't notice the confused man entering the kitchen. She almost had the container when she heard someone speak behind her. She turned out so quickly that she stumbled off the stool.


She closed her eyes tightly waiting to feel the impact. Instead, she felt someone holding her.

Why am I not on the ground?

"Because I'm holding you!"

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did! "

Khushi opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw who was holding her. Her lips turned into an 'o' and eyes were about to pop out.


It had been so long since she felt his touch and his gaze on her. His voice was like honey when he said her name. They both were lost in each other's eyes, when Arnav realized what was happening.

"Why are you here? "

He let her down and stared at her with a cold glare. His tone changed now his voice was rough and stern.


Khushi still couldn't believe that all of this was real. It felt like a dream.


He was holding her tightly by her arms while screaming at her. Khushi couldn't help but cry at this point.

"I...I was hungry so I came to the kitchen..I was sleeping the whole day so obviously, I was going to be hungry -"

Arnav didn't hear one word she said. She was talking so fast that nobody would be able to comprehend what she said. He just stared at her. He couldn't believe she was here after all that happened.

Am I dreaming?

Arnav waited for Khushi to finish her rant. He didn't know why he was feeling so happy to finally see her. To touch her. He had searched everywhere after that day, but he never found her. He was so angry at her, he hated her for leaving him. She promised....she promised she wouldn't leave him, but in the end like everyone she lied.

"Shut the hell up? Why are you here now huh? You fled before I could explain to you what actually happened. You broke your promise. Now after so many years you think you can just pop up here. You can't just play with our emotions like that. You are after my money, aren't you? Just leave dammit. I don't want to see you in my house!!"

Khushi felt like collapsing. She couldn't believe he was blaming her for everything. She couldn't believe he was accusing her of being after his damn money. She had enough money to support herself now. She was an independent woman now!

"How dare you accuse me of being after your money? Keep your damn money to yourself. I'm stable enough to provide for myself and my family. What were you going to explain huh? Even if you did find me, what were you going to say? You are the one who played with my emotions and you are accusing me?!? I came here for my best friend and my family. NOT FOR YOU!"

Khushi was shaking after her long rant. She was shaking with anger, disappointment, sorrow, and fear. She knew of his anger, but she wasn't going to let him say whatever he wanted to.

Arnav just stared at Khushi. He didn't know why he accused of being after his money. He knew she wasn't like that. However, he didn't care things change and people change. He was about to yell at her for speaking to him like this in his home, but he noticed someone standing to his left.


One more part coming your way! Hope you guys like it because this will get interesting. Trust Me.

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