Never Again: Shiver Me Timber!

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Honestly, I tried everything I could do to stay calm but did it work? Noooooo. I couldn't even keep myself still for 5 seconds, FIVE FREAKING SECONDS! Seriously Gen, you've already done 7 concerts and you decide to panic today? Big help sistah. I wanted to run into Justin's arms but he's rehearsing. Scooter's very tight when it comes to Justin's practice, everything must turn out perfectly. His motto is "Practice makes perfect". Bitch please, Nobody's perfect so why practice? I love it when I think of awesome backfires. Teehee!

I decided to ease my mind by reading a magazine so I grabbed my copy of Popstar Magazine, my favorite. I flipped the pages, laughing at some of the embarassing shots of other people. No offense though, I just need a little laugh. I reached the page where the huge title caught my eye "Win a date with Boo Boo Stewart" FTW! He's always been my favorite Wolf next to Taylor Lautner, of course. Too bad I'm already taken, Happily Taken. 

"Gen, you have got to stop your 'Hot guy' hormones." I scolded myself as I face palmed myself. I continued flipping through the pages and realized I was holding an old issue of Popstar Magazine, I threw it back on it's rack and started to hit the sack. I freshened myself up with a quick shower before they get started on my make-up. I totally need it right now. A Cold one. 

I dried myself up with a clean towel, and got into my clothes. Purple top, black jeans and Sexy Biker Boots. I love being half-goth. Haley went inside my dressing room with her 3 suitcase filled with the complete make-up set. I've always been amazed with what those 3 suitcase holds, beauty. Haley has been my make-up artist since I started doing concerts.

"You ready hun?" she smiled at me. 

"Ready as you'll ever be" I laughed and sat on the chair in front of the mirror, I gently closed my eyes and let Haley do her magic. After who-knows-how-many-minutes-or-hours she said the magic words.

"You can look now" she said.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking small peeks at a time. I was amazed on how she did my make up beautifully, smokey eyeshadows that gives color to my eyes. Light-Red lipstick that adds curves to my kissable lips. "You are Awesome! You never failed to amaze me Haley" I complimented her. 

"Aw Shucks, Gen. I certainly am flattered." She smiled "But you know, beauty isn't found in all these colors on your face. Beauty is found in you. The reason why I stay here is not because you pay me gallions, It's because you know how to treat a person equally." 

I stood up and gave her a hug. "Thank you" 

She gently pulled back, teary. "Now don't you go ruin' your make-up, got that?" she laughed. 

"Don't worry, I won't" I smiled as she left the room with a small tear that fell down on her cheeks. I love Haley, she's like my bestfriend here. She's only 20, can you even believe that? Right now, she should be working as a lawyer or a doctor. Something like that. I wonder why she chose this path, I have got to ask her some time.

I sat on the floor, scanning through my phone and decided to take a wacky photo of myself. Funny how the background is my leather couch and I have these cute little ornaments beside me. They're actually from my mom, a gift to celebrate my successful career. I saved the photo as my phone wallpaper just in time, Chesca walked inside my dressing room. Do you still remember her? She's my assistant 'slash' Manager. 

"3 minutes, come on Gen" she smiled at me. 

"Say what?" I gasped "How'd time fly to fast?! Impossibruuu!" 

Chesca laughed at me "Spending too much time on 9gag won't lead you anywhere, now come on. You wouldn't want your lovely Breakers to be disappointed, now don't you?" 

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