Chapter 22

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*3rd Persons POV*

Marinettes alarm clock rang. Wait - what? She actually has an alarm clock?! I as well am as shocked as you are.

She slammed her hand down on the snooze button, groaning into her pillow, "Just leave me here to rot." She said.

Tikki rolled her eyes from across the room. She gently put down the cookie she was munching on and flew over to Marinette.

"Marinette, it's not as bad as you think it is -"

"Tikki, I kissed Adrien!" The bluenette exclaimed frustrated, blushing she sat up.

"Technically, you both kissed each other - I mean, you both leaned in at the same time—"

Marinette then screeched, "That's even worse! He kissed Ladybug, not me! Does that mean he doesn't like Marinette? Oh god, he doesn't like Marinette, not good, so not good!" She said, jumping out of bed.

Tikki sighed, 'At least I got her out of bed' She thought.

••• at school •••

Marinette and Alya were sitting on the stairs leading up to everyones favourite place, school.

They were talking and giggling when Adrien suddenly sat beside Marinette.

Adrien himself was just as confused and Marinette was.

He did get to kiss his lady, but he was Adrien, and what about Marinette? He just started to admit his feelings for her, but now what?

"Hey girls," Adrien said.

"Hey Adrien." Alya responded, nudging Marinette.

Marinette looked at Adrien, but when she did, she saw Chat -


'What he hell Marinette' She said, slapping herself. No, literally, she slapped herself lightly on the face.

Alya looked at Marinette confused while Adrien looked at her concerned.

"Are you al–"

"No," She said, cutting Adrien off. Before Alya and or Adrien could reply, Marinette stormed off.

But not before Chloe could stop her.

"Looks like Maritrash finally realized how worthless she is and finally gave her a good slap she deserved."

Chloe and Sabrina snickered. They were about to walk away before Chloe stopped.

"Here's a little gift for you since you realized." Chloe smirked, before hitting Marinette in the same place she slapped herself.

'Worthless' 'Maritrash' 'Clumsy'

Words clouded her mind. Negative words, to be exact.

That's the only thing going through her head as she fled the school grounds, going home.

————end of chapter: 22————


ahh, questions, questions; decisions, decisions. all I'm going to say is: "we shall see" 😈

I have been quite busy since I have started school! I don't want to give away my grade, but I'm in one of those grades where we are responsible for a lot of school stuff (i.e. dances, fairs) I also am thinking about joining my school council/student body, but we'll see!!!

You guys may have noticed that over summer break, I have been uploading estimated every 3 days (ex. Monday, Thursday, Sunday) I'm sorry to announce that this will somewhat change.

I'm planning to only update once a week, unless I feel the need to update twice. I will try to update on Fridays, but depending on when I get the chapter completed, it may be sooner or later. Hope you guys understand <3

- Kris

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